
Who is Jennifer Mundy?

Jennifer Mundy

Jennifer Mundy
Member SinceFriday, September 3, 2010
Last ActivityMonday, September 6, 2010
About Me
About Me

Im A single mom of 3 that has just started in the MLM business about 6 weeks ago. But Im so very Thriled that I have. our Company is fantastic. And More so I am thrilled that since I have NOOO Idea what I am doing that one night I came upon Adlando, This site this comunitty is by far one of the most amazing places I have experienced..Im so grateful to every single one of you who even just says welcome.. So thank you for that..

In my everyday life I struggle like the rest of us, yet unless I really told you would not know it. I was diginosed with MS (Multiple Sclirosis) just one year ago. Yet in the past year I have been one of the small %'s where the disese takes your hand and takes you down with it.. But Im a fighter and I will not stop, plus heck Im a mother too.. I ve lerned to live everyday for what it is and take nothing for granted.. I find laughter in everything.. not much I really just want to be a leader leadin a leader now. I want to learn as much about the MLM busin as I can to better myself and my bussin.To be able to take my busineess as far as I can and be able to leave my kids with a legacy thet can be proud of. And this is it!! To all of you I say God Bless and Thank you.. Jenn

My Interests
My Interests (2)
Industries: Advertising, MLM
Comments (7)
Friends (5)
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Forums (2)
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Rick Corliss - (9/6/2010 10:21:46 PM) : Hey Jennifer, Please go to have nothing to do with them and they are not MLM.In case I spelled it wrong the 800#is 915=9355.I have known about these people for many years and they are honest, it is a diet they recconmend with fabulous results,no gimmicks.Rick
Michael... Clayton - (9/5/2010 1:59:20 PM) : Hi Jennifer be nice to have you as a friend. Please visit my main forum thread and post your opportunities so many more members can get to know what you do online. Just click on forum on my profile and look for the main thread. You are also welcome to join Regards Michael
Diane And Phillip Runyan - (9/5/2010 1:43:37 AM) : Hi Jennifer, Welcome from Arkansas. It’s so good to meet you here. We are wishing you the best in all that you do. Diane and Phillip Runyan
Willena Flewelling - (9/4/2010 3:30:44 PM) : Hi Jennifer, and welcome from Alberta Canada. This is a great place to connect with others. I hope you find what you are looking for. Have a great day! ~ Willena
Ingrid Camacho - (9/4/2010 12:57:14 PM) : Hello Jennifer,Welcome to adlandpro. This is a great community to connect with like minded people. Wishing you abundance and success! Ingrid Camacho
Cheryl Maples - (9/4/2010 5:55:31 AM) : Hello Jennifer, Welcome to our community of friends. I’m glad you joined us. May this year be your best year yet. Follow your dreams, Cheryl
Wendell Breedlove - (9/4/2010 2:54:03 AM) : Hi Jennifer, Welcome to the Adland Pro community. It’s great to see you here and thanks for joining us. Have a Wonderful Day, Wendell
