About Me
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About Me
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My name is Lesly Federici. I'm an RN, professional Childbirth Educator, Radio Host,Network Marketer, a Mastermind Group Leader for the "Game of Tribes", blogger, and a mom of a wonderful son. I call him my best creation ever :-).
I've been helping expectant parents prepare for childbirth since 1998 online at Leslynotes There is a free online class, a free "Dad Class" and lots of other information to help mom-to-be. It focuses on meditation and ways to cope with labor. Even though I am an experienced Labor & Delivery nurse, I don't focus on medication as the first choice in managing labor. Today there are many options to help with labor discomfort.
I have a Radio show "U Smile Radio" where I interview "everyday" people, authors, etc to promote and celebrate what they do, while inspiring listeners. I've had the show since 2007. It's rewarding and a lot of fun.
I love the Internet. I have met more wonderful people in the virtual world than in real life amd Adland has been a part of it. Having a disablility can make meeting new people difficult. But Adland and other social network platforms have transformed my life. Which I am very grateful for. I stated a forum here at Adland "The Blogging Club" to help others create, write content, and promote their blogs. If you have a business online, it's good to have a main "hub" to promote what you do on and offline. To help build my business through my blog I use a suite of business "tools" at Pure Leverage . It's a smart business with-in a business.
Feel free to contact me! Would enjoy getting to know you as well.
My best, Lesly
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: MLM, Networking, Kids, Parenting, Teaching, Art, Painting, Blogs, E-Books, Computers, Movies and Film, Radio, Music, Nature, Dogs, Cats, Swimming