
Who is Daniel Midura?

Daniel Midura

Daniel Midura
Member SinceWednesday, January 3, 2007
Last ActivitySunday, July 26, 2009
LocationChelsea, Michigan, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Hi my name is Dan Midura I live in Chelsea MI. What I do is show people how to advertise AND GET PAID EVERY TIME SOMEONE VISIT YOUR WEBSITE and Clicks on a AD... TIPS: You need Your Own Domain name.. I'm The owner of 118 Domain Names I buy all my Domain Names From: http://www.saveCASHonDOMAINnames.Com You can get .info Domain names for as low as 1.99 a year They will also give you $141.00 of tools that are needed to let your computer do the work for you... I have a few tricks up my sleeve that really work well... I have been bless, That's why I'm able To help others. I give my tricks away free.. I all ways make money and so does every one that is a part of our TEAM... I am here to help everyone that wants help... 734-260-9944 Most people have the WHY they want to make money. They just need the HOW That's where I come IN!!. I know what works.... We will show you how to be paid automatically several times a DAY. With out a crummy J.O.B. and those are hard to find right so so why look for one.. when you can make a lot more money from home... http://MM365.Biz There's no such thing as JOB security!!!! Own your Business pay less in taxes KEEP THE MONEY YOU EARN... Check out http://www.MM365.Biz and let us help you build your business....
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Jack Sunshine - (2/11/2010 3:39:16 AM) : My Dear Friend, become a Sunshine Distributor and start you own at home jewelry business selling to, friends, neighbors and business associates. It's easy and it's fun to earn money as a Distributor. For Information CALL : 1-800-767-4469..FOR A FREE CATALOG
Sherry Dossey - (9/20/2009 2:02:00 AM) : Hi Daniel, I read an old comment you made. It said you were in 12 businesses. And you had a huge downline that paid you to see you businesses. If that is still so, You have got to look at this. With that many coming in you could get $10,000 2 to 3 x a week. Inexperienced people are getting $10,000 in 30 to 60 days recruiting 2. Look at my site. Sherry 863-858-1881
Joelees Wholesale - (8/11/2007 7:15:53 PM) : Hi Daniel,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
