
Who is Sherry Dossey?

Sherry Dossey

Sherry Dossey
BirthdayTuesday, October 24, 1961
Member SinceWednesday, March 7, 2007
Last ActivityWednesday, October 26, 2016
LocationLakeland, Florida, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I was born and raised in central Florida where I still live with my husband of 18 years. I have 2 step children son- Matt 34 and daughter- Erika 29 and 4 beautiful granddaughters-Zoe, Zara, Paige and Kaelyn.
I have been on the net since 1999. I have seen many businesses come and go. I have learned a lot in the last 14 years, most the hard way, and learning more everyday. I can probably tell you more about what not to do. I am always looking for new friends to network with. I believe anything learned is definitely worth the time.
Thanks and God Bless,>>> Sherry Dossey>>>>>>> 863-272-3466 , Skype: sherry.dossey , Session data
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Ricardo Man - (6/1/2015 5:21:50 AM) : I invite you to participate in surveys. You will receive an incentive for each one answered. If you are interested in more information, receive back automatically answer: A greeting.
Mohamed Hassan - (4/19/2015 12:19:14 PM) : "You Don't Have To Be Great To Start, But You Have To Start To Be Great" -Zig Zagler
Danny Kuhlmann - (3/30/2015 9:26:57 PM) : If you co pay on meds is $10 or more you need this, we also have insurance for dental and glasses and pet meds, you can also do this job giving out free cards and making money helping people.
Sandra Cromwell - (3/16/2014 2:43:32 PM) : Hi Sherry, Welcome to AdLand Pro. I look forward to finding out how my team and I can help you.
Ingo Heider - (12/25/2013 4:12:52 PM) : It's a big day for us. For all of us. We have been working long and hard. Many early mornings and many late nights, and the work is far from over. But we have taken a huge step towards our exciting new horizon, the Wenyard Trading Platform. Everything is ready for you to start reaping what we have sown, to take advantage of this amazing opportunity that is
Charles Bradley - (10/23/2013 2:31:57 PM) : Happy Birthday Sherry. I just had another Myself. I think I'm not going admit to any future BD's.....I' gonna stay 59 forever
Danny Kuhlmann - (10/1/2013 1:05:56 AM) :
Saidev Ss - (7/23/2013 12:33:05 PM) : try to empower world wide women with your knowledge and experience and excuse me if i hurt you with this message. lakhs of women are struggling with many problems, so empower them and make some awareness in them that they can also make some money on their own (without depending on others) bye ..
Тамара Рыбалко - (8/28/2012 11:52:48 PM) : привет я Там хочу дать бизнес. You are about to enter a never ending long term supply of cash! Position ADS that can pay you $10,000.00 / $25,000.00 / $75,000.00 or 345% over and over again! GO LARGE FOR MAX PAY! WE HAVE 2 GREAT PLANS 4% and 6% for HIGH ROLLERS WHO LOVE MAKING MONEY! WHAT TO DO NEXT TO GET ACTIVE IN SYSTEM AND START MAKING OBSCENE AMOUNTS OF MONEY!
Claes Dahlquist - (7/8/2012 3:30:26 PM) : Hi Sherry nice to see you here and welcome back regards CD


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