
Who is Jim Wilson?

Jim Wilson

Jim Wilson
Member SinceSaturday, December 24, 2005
Last ActivityWednesday, July 30, 2008
LocationSunland, California, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

I have always been in search for the perfect way to make money and I have done a lot of programs and generally flopped. I did not have the money or the time to invest but I am pleased to announce that in only six months after starting this program, I have exceeded a six figure income and I have people that close each sale for me so I don't have to talk to anyone or make any calls or sell anything. They do the work, I get the money. Thanks Passport to Wealth for letting me achieve my dreams and goals now we live the life we only dreamed of before. This is our reality. I am 34 and free..........

Be sure to drop by our site and see how I went from less than $600/Month to over 28/K a month and now I am a stay at home dad. Spending time with my kids and my beautiful wife.

• Get out of debt
• Retire early with secure, ongoing income
• Pay for a son or daughter's college education
• Improve your lifestyle
• Buy a new car or new home

Visit us today start making money today!

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Paul Falardeau - (1/4/2006 9:20:25 AM) : Hi Jim,

Thanks for accepting my invitation to my friend list. I look forward to sharing ideas with you.

Here's to your success,

Paul Falardeau

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Jim Wilson - (1/4/2006 9:20:25 AM) : Thanks Paul,
Not only do I love the picture (we just had a baby boy) but love your business links they are interesting and I am in consideration of joining one of them. Again, Thanks !!!


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