
Who is Kees Daalmans?

Kees Daalmans

Kees Daalmans
BirthdayTuesday, March 11, 1947
Member SinceFriday, July 1, 2005
Last ActivitySunday, June 2, 2019
LocationWoensdrecht, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands Netherlands
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About Me
About Me

Hi I am a Dutch guy, living in Woensdrecht  a little village near the Belgium border,58 years old and married with  my  lovely wife Betsy.

I have two sons. My occupotion is an logistics manager. My interests are internet,internetmarketing,reading a good book,watch good movies ,fishing,biking and listen good music.

My goals in life are being happy ,helping other people

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Industries: Internet
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Anita Jensen - (2/1/2013 8:22:50 PM) : 10 POTENT ways to EARN! The ultimate Revenue Sharing Model allowing points to earn up to 105 days First Revenue Sharing Model to pay Daily Rewards in REAL-TIME REAL-TIME Daily Generational Bonuses REAL-TIME Monthly Subscription Payout's Generational Check Matching Bonuses allowing you to match the subscription incomes of tens, hundreds and even thousands JubiSuite Team Placement System that Reward
Jerry Bataluna - (4/1/2006 1:07:43 AM) : Hello,

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People who have read this same email just 1-2 months ago, are
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What would you do, and whom would you spend your time with when
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If you're interested to get a FREE tour please send an email to with the subject"Let Me Evaluate Your Program".
Also include your FirstName and LastName in the body of the email.

I will then send you an email that contains the FREE tour link.

In case you feel that it is not for you, you can unsubscribe

Hope to receive an email from you sooner.

Best Regards,
Jerry M. Bataluna


If you wish to no longer receive emails from me,just send an email to with the subject"REMOVE ME"
Paul Falardeau - (12/3/2005 9:36:48 AM) : It's great to have you on my friend list.
Here's to your success,

Paul Falardeau

Check out the hottest business opportunity on the internet today.
View the informative presentation here:
Kees Daalmans - (12/3/2005 9:36:48 AM) : Thanks a lot Paul
Carla Carey - (10/16/2005 9:14:03 AM) : HI KEES! Great site! I would join but am really busy now. I sure will look into it later. I hope you will consider joining FGG , it's a worldwide membership! THANKS! Carla
Kees Daalmans - (10/16/2005 9:14:03 AM) : I am think about it but I am very busy too.

Thanks anyway

Alice Croes - (9/16/2005 6:14:23 PM) : This is the best business, and i advice everyone to join for free on Kees his website, its just great.
great succes and lots of free members joining Kees.

Warm Regards
Kees Daalmans - (9/16/2005 6:14:23 PM) : Thanks a lot for rating my business
You are a vip too in this wonderful business opportunity

Warm Regards
Kathy Hamilton - (7/3/2005 12:48:06 PM) : HELLO VERY NICE SITE,GLAD YOU ARE HERE,KATHY MARTIN
Kees Daalmans - (7/3/2005 12:48:06 PM) : Hi Kathy,

Thanks for voting 10 out of 10 .I am very pleased.



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