
Who is Joseph Hall?

Joseph Hall

Joseph Hall
BirthdayTuesday, November 25, 1924
Member SinceThursday, April 22, 2004
Last ActivityWednesday, March 29, 2006
LocationHungtington Beach, California, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I have been wasting my time on the internet for the last 5 years, however, I have made a decision to work one affiliate program and only one. The Internet has changed a lot in the last 5years and things that worked back then do not work now. I am setting up a responder series that will detail what I am doing now. It will be an on going account of what I am doing and what is working and what is a waste of time.  If you would like to find out what is failing and what is being successful then subscribe to




I am married to a wonderful woman for the last 20 Years. Her first husband passed away and she was left with 6 children. Since we have been married the family grew with 17 grandchildren.

My first wife has also passed on and I had two children with her.


I got my privite pilots licence to fly single engine aircraft in 1964, Got an instrument ratinging in 1965. It cost more than I wanted to spend to fly often enough to keep current with my instrument rating, So I continued to upgrade and got my commercial rating in 1967, then my flight instructor rating in 1968. and instrument instructor rating in 1970. I have taught over 120 people how to fly and just let my instructor ratings expire in 2004. I spent over 4000 hours in the air teaching and about 3000 hours of teaching on the ground.    


If you have looked at my profile you will see that I have been around for a few years. The biggest problem that has happened is that my retirement income does not match my life style of the 1960's. If it did I would have to be making about $250,000.00 per year. I am a very humble in that I have lived since 1924 in good health. I am more involved in more things than most 60 year olds that I have meet.



Joseph Hall

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Laurel Nicolosi - (2/5/2006 7:55:18 PM) : I appreciate Joseph because he is an entrepreneur and keeps on going - he is "young at heart" and he should live to be 100 at this rate! :)

He has a great outlook on life and knows a good deal when he sees one - especially being in this community and his new venture with the Country Club - keep up the good work! :)

Joseph Hall - (2/5/2006 7:55:18 PM) : Thanks for the rating Laurel.

Did you look at my ad on the profile page??

Paul Falardeau - (12/5/2005 8:07:01 PM) : It's great to have you on my friend list.
Here's to your success,

Paul Falardeau

Check out the hottest business opportunity on the internet today.
View the informative presentation here:
Joseph Hall - (12/5/2005 8:07:01 PM) : Thanks for the rating Paul.
Really pretty little girl, how old is she??



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