
Who is Amy Gipple?

Amy Gipple

Amy Gipple
Member SinceWednesday, September 24, 2003
Last ActivityWednesday, September 23, 2015
LocationToledo, Ohio, United States United States
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About Me
About Me
I have worked in the automotive industry for most of my life and I have done everything from welding to shipping and have even ran a 100,0000 pound Crain to unload master coils of steel that weigh in at over 60,000 pounds. I then went into advertising for 5 years designing display ads and then went to the sales aspect of it, I loved my clients but hated my boss so I left to start my own business and I have been running my own businesses since 2003. I am married, the mother of to grown daughters and a Mini Dachshund and I have a beautiful granddaughter which will be 8 this year.
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Phillip Black - (2/27/2008 1:18:42 PM) : Hi Amy,

Just stopped by to say Thanks for allowing me to be part of your Circle of Friends here at Adland. I visited your Website, and being involved in Natural Alternatives myself, I must say that I was very impressed. One of the best I've seen. Great Information for everyone interested in Natural Health Care Solutions. Wishing you continued success.

Thanks Again,

Lori Jones - (4/1/2007 11:09:08 AM) : Amy has been so helpful. She has helped me with networking, with my questions about dogs and their nutrition. She took time to research, then got right back to me. She truly is their to help & support you with anything you need. I highly recommend you visit her website.
Amy Gipple - (4/1/2007 11:09:08 AM) : Thank you so very much Lori, you are truly a warm and caring person.

Paul Falardeau - (12/14/2005 1:38:28 PM) : Thanks for accepting my invitation to my friend list. I look forward to sharing ideas with you.

Here's to your success,

Paul Falardeau

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Lee Talmadge - (9/10/2005 3:21:31 PM) : Hi Amy,
Welcome, Im glad you are part of adland family ,I hope you have found it as enjoyable and useful as I have.I wish you success you all you do :-) Lee
Amy Gipple - (9/10/2005 3:21:31 PM) : Hi Lee,
Thanks for your response and I have to tell you that I just love it here, Adland Pro is a awesome place and the people here are wonderful. Not only am I learning, but actually helping others and that's what its all about.
Thanks Again!
Amy Gipple
Independent AmeriPlan Broker
Need help advertising your business? I can help you.
Janice& Gary Hawkins - (9/6/2005 6:51:30 PM) : Greetings Amy Gipple,

Gary and Janice Hawkins just left your website and we rated it a 10 out of 10 because we found it to be very professional and informative. We would recommend that you put your URL on your webpagetab above your provile! It will be easier to find your website then! We wish yo great success! Feel free to contact us if we can be of assistance, respectfully, your friends here in Idaho.
Amy Gipple - (9/6/2005 6:51:30 PM) : Hi Gary & Janice,
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at my web page and rate it. I will take your advice about putting my URL on my web page tab above my profile.
Thanks so much!
Amy Gipple
Independent AmeriPlan Broker
Need help advertising your business? I can help you!


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