Hi and Thanks for dropping by.
As you know by now I'm David Cunningham from Mount Washington, Kentucky. I have been involved with the network marketing industry for about 5 Yrs now and I love it. I am also a Real Estate Agent so if you or someone you know is moving to Ky let me know and I'll help them find their dream home here in the Bluegrass State.
I am currently separated, I have three wonderful children, 16, 23, 24...girl, boy, girl. and one grandson 6 yrs old. He is a trip!!
I am with a company http://www.sendoutcards.com/3056 in which I am having more success with than I have in all of five yrs of marketing. It's a great business, with great people involved. SendOutCards is great and affordable for everyone from you at home sending a few cards to family, business partners, etc..to large corporate organizations sending out to a large customer database.
It doesn't cost anything to look and as matter of fact I'll give you a free gift account and let you test drive our system just by asking.
There are two things that my mentor told me that I don't think I will ever forget. He said "If you help enough other people to get what they want, yours will be waiting." and "People don't care how much you know til they know how much you care." and until you get that from your head to your heart you'll never make it in this industry.
I thought that was powerful... and things like that are what keeps me motivated to talk to as many people as I can on a daily basis. If you are reading this and thinking "wow" thats good.
I have met and greeted over 900 of you here at adland and I enjoy every one of you. Don't hesitate to email me anytime and i'm going to add some contact info below. I'd love to hear from you.
Here are some ways you can contact me.
Email: realtor8566@yahoo.com
AIM: david40047
MSN: dnjcunningham@hotmail (this email never gets checked)
Yahoo: realtor8566
IMVITE: david502
Here are some other links to check out;
This is my personal website http://www.DavidACunningham.com
Visit my blog at; http://thecardguy.blogspot.com and http://mtwashingtonrealestate.blogspot.com
Get Domain Names here: http://www.kqzyfj.com/click-1936246-10379076
Come by my MSN Page: http://spaces.msn.com/anewhomebiz