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I Apologize To Those That Are Not Involved ...
10/3/2006 5:59:16 AM
I Apologize To Those That Are Not Involved ...

For those that recieve this and are not involved I'm sorry. I am posting this in my forum though because ...

I am ashamed to hear what all has gone on behind the scenes of AdlandPro. A nasty, viral, degenerating action by some of our members. It's called gossip. You know who you are. You are all sweet and nice in the public's eye but get into an IM or email toss and you say things that are speculative.

If you have anything to say about me, my actions or my character then say it to my face. Otherwise leave me out of your conversations.

I am going to ask you to picture this and see how you judge it.

I drive by a certain corner everyday at a certain time each day. I begin to notice a trampy looking homeless, looking like they haven't bathed in weeks and look like a drunk, begging at that corner for money and food. The next day that same person is there again. The next day, again.

I decide I will stop and get a value meal from a restaurant. I drive by that same corner and they are there again. I give that person the meal.

I tell some of my friends and co-workers about this person and that they are in need. Some will judge me like "You fool. That's a street bum and a drunk." They haven't even seen the person at the corner and have judge that person and me.

One thing they didn't consider was I used a little common sense. I didn't give money I gave food; a necessity.

Now, to go a little further. I am a person that has a track record of doing 'due dilegence'. So much more than most here at AdlandPro. You have seen it with my reports and findings I post here. So why would anyone think that I would not do the same thing here on helping someone out?

Let me point to another member that I helped here well over a year ago. If she wishes to step up and tell you about it, great! I will not mention her name for maybe she doesn't want this brought back up. I respect and honor that.

She lost her husband and he was disabled and was uninsurable. So there was no life insurance and no funds left since all went to his care while alive. There wasn't anything to pay for his funeral expenses. Well, I did my DD (due dilegence), asked for a copy of his death certificate and then vowed that I had the proof. I started the campaign for help and got it for her. Raised funds and some members helped her in getting into viable businesses. Harold Coram was one such member that helped with both donations and business. Bless you Harold.

I am a person that values my word, my character. I will not tolerate people that want to be destructive to others or judgemental to others.

Some of you may know or may not. I also do work off-line for a Job Corps Center. Youth between the ages of 16 to 24 that have had a rough time, some as high school dropouts, pregnant teens, teens been in trouble with the law, some were in gangs and all. I work 16 hours a week with these people and try to help better their lives. I teach music to them but I am also a councelor for them.

So, being I help so many why does anyone want to bash me behind my back? Have I ever done anything to you that is so wrong? I may not agree with everything but to personally talk about me behind my back? Just stop the gossip.

Either help and be a part of the solution or continue to be a part of the problem. Your choice.

Kenneth R Sword Jr
Re: I Apologize To Those That Are Not Involved ...
10/3/2006 6:23:05 AM
Hi Kenneth

I do not know anything of what You are talking about, as this funeral and all this back stamping, but I will for shure tell everybody that You are one of the most serious members I have as my friends and that You have helped me a lot with searching and tracking when I have asked You for it. You have also helped me and many others with so much, as a friend and an Advisor, so I can not believe what I hear.

About the latest case, where we are many who wanted to help Lisa, I know also You wanted to help her with the situation she was in, and that we all tryed to help her solve her rent- and billingproblems. I can not see anything wrong in that case eighter, as prove has been delivered You and also some to me.

I do not know why some members behave like this, and have not heard this before eighter. I want to say that it is those who like to help/share/care and telling to beware who should be treated with respect, as they does this for the interest of the community and the respect for our members. It is a good thing to care for people - try it, and maybe You will feel it too.

Take care my friend..

Best regards
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Re: I Apologize To Those That Are Not Involved ...
10/3/2006 6:49:17 AM

Amen to both of you!

Nothing more to be said, except that I appreciate all your efforts to Try and make someones' life better. And Adland a better place.

Your friend,

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Flag of Judy Smith

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Re: I Apologize To Those That Are Not Involved ...
10/3/2006 7:22:00 AM

Good Morning Ken,

I am a pretty good judge of character, and I too do due diligence.  I have been around Adland for some time now, more watching behind the scenes than in the forefront.  OK, Skeptical comes to mind in my reasons for that, but in hanging out here for as long as I have, reading, watching, participating from time to time I have learned a lot.  Call it an education, if you will.  I was so new to the internet that it was more important to me to learn a little about who I was dealing with than to make money and find ways to earn money here. 

Every step of my journey, you have stood out in the forefront of the leaders here.  You are consistant, reliable and knowledgeable. You walk softly and carry a big stick! You are giving, helpful and though much of what you are involved with is way over my head, I trust your suggestions and know that you would never ask someone to get involved in something you yourself do not believe in. 

So, in accordance with all of that, I stepped forward and joined your most recent cause which I truly know very little about, but you said help was needed and I was willing to help. 

I have been where you are right now. I have asked for aid for others (off-line) and I have given and then become the whipping post of those who somehow don't get it.  And the way they deal with it is behind our backs, so by the time it gets to us, we don't know what really was said and who said what to whom and who really cares.  We did what we thought was best.    We give because that is our nature and because that is what God has called us to do.  May God bless you for all you do, may God be with you through any tribulations that these back-biters may cause you and you just keep on doing what your doing because I have for one - and I know I am not alone - have a lot of admiration for you and what you do!

Have a blessed day!





Flag of Les Johnson

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Re: I Apologize To Those That Are Not Involved ...
10/3/2006 7:30:40 AM

  Hey Kenneth!

Well, I for one want to thank you from my heart! You see, about a 11 years ago, I was such a person leaving in the streets here in Houston! Yes, I was a drunk and did drugs and things and actually I chose to be in the streets, but there were times when I was really down with life, and there were some people who took a geniune love to help me like yourself, Kenneth! It has been awhile since I have typed at ya, but I am catching up. What a very beautiful way of saying what's up again.

 I too have helped out others as well, Kenneth, as I now have over 10 years of being clean and sober, set free from my ways of the life I had chosen for myself, by the Grace and Mercy of my Lord, Jesus Christ. That is just what I know to be true in my case, and believe. One thing that I have learned over my lifetime though and that is when someone talks behind my back, I for one do not let things like that bother me. Like one of the guys who responded as well, you our one of the better people here in Adland since I have been apart of it. Usually, when I see that someone is talking about me behind my back, and thru my experiences of doing it myself in my past, it usually means there is insecurity and confusion in a persons life, and all I can do is pray for them, Kenneth! Who knows, maybe they will see these posts and realize that they can be just as good as the next person, as long as they are willing to believe.

 Well, anyway, great to post on one of your forums my friend. We should type some more back and forth. It's hard though, until my internet business will start to take off and I will be able to semi-retire form my General Contracting days in construction. I would retire fully, when we start to streamline to the public, but my wife has a honey do list that will last me for another 5 years, and it keeps growing every year, lolol.

 Want to have that residual income and have the time to do what you want. This has already beaten everything that is on the internet, and on the shelves already, and I have seen the tets done right before my eyes.



Thanks! God Bless!! Les Johnson Certified Independent Representitive! Motor Latte Commercial & Fleet Services 281-999-1156 Hm Bus. # 281-999-0043 Fax # http://w

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