The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community.
To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here at AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week
(also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW).
This criterion can be seen at the site below:
How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?
To be chosen as Person of the week you:
• Are highly visible on the community
In the past 350 post were the minimum requirement, we
aren't locked in on that number but a minimum of 300 posts
is mandatory. Posts that are mainly advertising posts will not
be considered.
Please note highly visible with a positive influence in and on
the community means just that. You have to have an active
forum and/or be active in community forums that are not ad
• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.
• Must be nominated for the program by another member
of the Community and voted on by other members.
• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.
This week we're honoring Cathy Walker. Cathy is involved in the community and is seen everywhere supporting, and posting in many forums.
Cathy is a very interesting and active member of our community . Cathy is very friendly, supportive and shares her artistic talents. Cathy is always willing to lend a helping hand.
Congratulations Cathy
on your POTW win! 
Hello Friends,
Born in the Top end of australia in a city called Darwin ,in the Northern territory then living in a town called “Batchelor”..60 miles south of Darwin for the first 7 years of my life .
I was lucky enough to have the “bush” as my playground as a child growing up there bush lifestyle gave me a definite respect for the land and it’s creatures /inhabitants and also gave me a real sense of curiousity for all things pertaining to nature…and creation in general.
I have lived in Dandenong Victoria Australia on the poor side of town..LOL for the past 33 years and I paint on canvas, wood, ceramics , furniture.. anything that I can find.. that would hold some paint, I also like to use recycled materials..and I collect twisted branches that have fallen from my gum trees..thinking that I might like to make some pilgrims staffs.. or walking sticks from these ..some day soon.
I’ve been in a small number of group exhibitions both in melbourne and sydney and I’ve had just one solo exhibition , in a place called the old cheese factory (a public gallery here in victoria)which was very enjoyable…maybe didn’t give me the monetary gain that I needed..but emotionally it was very exciting..and I was proud of my great efforts to get the exhibition together..
I paint the visions in my head..they can come to me at any time!! I have many different styles and use many different paints and techniques from pencil and ink to charcoal and oils and acrylics.. House paint even..yes!! my favourite paint is acrylic because of it’s quick drying time..enabling my thoughts or visions to be trapped at lightening speed .I’ve been told that I have great originality and a diverse variation in style…cool! and thanks!
my work is my own…I never copy from others works. I am 52 years old..and have been painting for well over 35 years ..My latest “batch” of paintings..and my newest “sessions” have revealed some interesting ideas around angelic beings , and some lovely paintings of the earth and her beauty. I have many Interests.. like reading, and fossiking for treasure.. and gold panning ..and I am most interested in the UFO phenomenom..after seeing a strange light in the sky in 1993..there were 7 of us watching the sky that there are witnesses.. I have painted some amazing UFO and alien type creatures after witnessing this strange light .
there is much I could say about myself..hha!! but I won't bore you any longer
here is my gallery of paintings at Red Bubble
and Thankyou!!
regards from
cathy walker
It is time to congratulate Cathy on her POTW win. Please invite Cathy to join your list of friends if she isn't already on it.
Cathy Walker,
Ana Maria, Jim and I are glad to be honoring you in this week's POTW forum. You've been a great asset to our wonderful community.
Enjoy your week as our
POTW and Queen of AdlandPro!
Thank you Adland Friends for supporting the POTW Forum