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Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time To Honor The 135th Person Of The Week POTW Anthony Hosking
3/16/2008 7:15:33 PM
Thanks a Bunch POTW Team

Your efforts are awesome!

You Rock My friend.

Enjoy your week in the light!

Love Lighjt and Laughter
Neil Sperling
Re: It's Time To Honor The 135th Person Of The Week POTW Anthony Hosking
3/16/2008 7:20:38 PM

hello there Joelee, many thanks for your post you are a tireless worker here on adlands I am honor to know you


The Success Community
Re: It's Time To Honor The 135th Person Of The Week POTW Anthony Hosking
3/16/2008 7:23:10 PM
Very nice to see you as well Betty, its always nice to see that ahppy people on here.


The Success Community
Re: It's Time To Honor The 135th Person Of The Week POTW Anthony Hosking
3/16/2008 7:24:54 PM
A very nice post Neil I admire what you on adlands you rock also


The Success Community
Re: It's Time To Honor The 135th Person Of The Week POTW Anthony Hosking
3/16/2008 7:35:27 PM
Well Joe I am not very often lost for words, but I am now. You are such a good friend and have been very good to me over the last three months or so. I had better not get to lost for words, or I will be hard done to give my mentoring 100%. As you know I am involved in one or two groups, the Hive and CMU7, I mentor at both places, some would say I am silly for taking on too much, but I do know what I am doing.

So nice to see you again in here, very proud to call you friend


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