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Cheryl Baxter

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Re: It's Time To Honor The 135th Person Of The Week POTW Anthony Hosking
3/23/2008 12:30:51 AM

Congratulations Anthony on being elected POTW.  It's a great honor to have and Adland is a great community to be a part of.  Even though I am not here often anymore, I like to drop in now and again & see what's going on. 

Have a blessed Easter!

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Steven Suchar

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Re: It's Time To Honor The 135th Person Of The Week POTW Anthony Hosking
3/24/2008 12:17:08 PM
Hi King Anthony!

It's really nice seeing you here as our 135th POTW.  Your bright, cheery photo on our front page is most welcomed.  :)  Also, your 'personal trophy' looks pretty sharp too!!

Thank you for spreading your positive energy throughout our community.  I always enjoy reading your informative post's on various topics that you pick.

Thank you, too, for being my friend!!

Enjoy your spotlight time...your OREO brother Steven.

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Re: It's Time To Honor The 135th Person Of The Week POTW Anthony Hosking
3/24/2008 1:56:36 PM
Many thanks Steven, such great words. I have really enjoyed my reign as king for the week. As always I will continue to spread my positive energy through the community. You are a great friend and are never far way from everything that ticks here at adlands..

Thank you my friend

Anthony Hosking

The Success Community
Thomas Richmond

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Re: It's Time To Honor The 135th Person Of The Week POTW Anthony Hosking
3/30/2008 11:51:22 PM
 Worker bees gather pollen which they stick to combs in their back legs, to carry back to the hive where it is used as food.Workers will take wax from wax producing workers and build the comb with it. I wanted to comeback and say a few words about some Hive Bees Anthony Lol. Have an awesome week ahead. Im glad you enjoyed your raign as King Bee my friend. God_bless you.
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Re: It's Time To Honor The 135th Person Of The Week POTW Anthony Hosking
5/2/2008 4:35:06 PM

What an interesting bio King Anthony! And so good written, thanks for sharing it.

It was a great week! Welcome to POTW Gallery!




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