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Re: It's Time To Honor The 135th Person Of The Week POTW Anthony Hosking
3/21/2008 8:10:20 AM
Thank you Terry. What a lovely post, I am awestruck by all the beautiful Graphics everybody has been sending. I dont seem to be able to do all those beautiful things. I am glad you liked my bio and my handling of the Nay Sayers. Unfortunately we all have those in our lives, it's what we do about them that counts. Nobody has any right to steal our dreams, how dear they. However many of us will never move on until we learn to stop the negative influences in our lives.

I love what I do and have been really blessed this week.

Maybe  you or anyone on here would like to know more about what I do and how I look at life visit me over at the Mentor Center at CMU7 Sometime.

Once again many thanks for the wonderful post.

Your Friend


The Success Community
Re: It's Time To Honor The 135th Person Of The Week POTW Anthony Hosking
3/21/2008 8:13:43 AM
Hi there Barb, it is always so very nice to nice to hear from you. As you know I am here for anybody and try to help where I can.

Your friend


The Success Community
Re: It's Time To Honor The 135th Person Of The Week POTW Anthony Hosking
3/21/2008 8:22:32 AM
Wow JIll what can I say, such lovely words from yourself and a wonderful poem to go with them. I feel extremely honored this week. All the wonderful friends I have on adlands have been a great boost to me this week. I have a huge crisis in the family that I have been trying to get to grips with, many adlanders do not know what I have been going through. However the wonder post I have recieved this week Have served to help me through the differcult times.

You along with everybody that has posted to me are indeed true friends.


The Success Community
Judy Smith

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Re: It's Time To Honor The 135th Person Of The Week POTW Anthony Hosking
3/21/2008 9:33:37 AM

Hi Anthony,

I have a habit of stopping back in on POTW forums - it's a great way of making new friend!!

Looks like you are having a grand time here!!  Again, Many congratulations!  You are a great King of Adland.  Enjoy the remainder of your reign.



Valerie Clavin

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Re: It's Time To Honor The 135th Person Of The Week POTW Anthony Hosking
3/21/2008 9:40:08 AM

Hi Anthony,

  Looks like a great week. How's the fingers - lots of typing goes on here. LOL

Congratulations, I'd post a pic too, but computer has said no graphics today - low memory.

Do you need instructions on how to post pics or just don't have the memory.

Happy Easter


Valerie Clavin

Hugs = Priceless


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