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Peter Fogel

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Reply To Peaches' Blog At CMU7
1/18/2008 12:51:40 PM


I have no recourse other then to reply to a blog written at CMU7 by Sue (Peaches) Dietrich here in Adland since without any reason we (Jim Allen III, Brad West, Caitlin Hagar and I) were "denied access" to the community. Needless to say without any reason since we in no way
violated their TOS other then to tender our apology to you our Adland friends through our forums here in Adland. Once again this in no way violates the TOS of CMU7.

 Below I'm pasting the blog that Peaches wrote and will easily negate any and all "accusations" made against Jim and me. As I said time and again the truth will prevail.


Professional Respect

Date Thursday, January 17th 2008, 7:17 AM Icon 28 Date 2

CMU7 is Community Marketing University. We are friends helping friends learn to Market on the net. Everyone is welcome. We started out to help  the ones that needed help. Granted we all can’t agree on everything all the time and none of us is perfect. We are all together as a family learning and growing.

Some have been trashing our Community with total disrespect. Actually I feel sorry for them for they have missed the point. Saying all kinds of things about the people here and about our CEO. I have yet to see any of us post or bring out the things that they have said about people here. They was asked to leave not because of their marketing skills. They was asked due to the total lack of respect towards another person or human in the group


We have not in any way trashed CMU7 with disrespect. Every word we wrote in our apology is the truth in regard to the  "CEO" and nothing but the truth. We have mentioned the "people" in CMU7 in the context of our discussions with the "CEO" and I might add any terms used to describe some of the members were originally used by Beef to describe them. In a private correspondence with him we used the same terms he originally used. Up till now Peaches you were writing out of lack of knowledge but now you actually LIED. We were not "asked to leave", we were denied access to the community by one of the admins apparently by Beef himself and we have documented chats to prove this. Once again needless to say with out violating the TOS of CMU7. So we weren't asked to leave but were kicked out for no reason at all.Your last sentence is a figment of your imagination we didn't disrespect the "CEO" Beef we just told the truth that is fully documented.      .

When Admin and Moderators are being cut down with verbal abuse. If we are treated that way what does that make us believe a new comers will have to
endure. CMU7 is a family we are different we are about our members. Most of all we have respect for each others and their beliefs

Never were any admin, team leaders or moderators cut down with verbal abuse. Yes they were told in no uncertain terms
that they would have to have certain skills and knowledge in order to retain their positions but abuse, I think not. During
the first week Jim was a bit more "forceful" then necessary but was advised to tone it down and since then has been nothing but a gentleman in his dealings with any staff members or any other member of the community. I believe the same can be said of my own actions and relations with any and all members. If you want to talk about disrespect and abuse I refer you to a chat room conversation between most of the team leaders and moderators. Why don't you use that as an example? That too Peaches is fully documented and we know was approved by your illustrious "CEO". That was abuse and disrespect and I don't hear you apologizing about that. The lynching was abuse and you were partner to that and the major offender and liar with your story about being a silent partner. We know that to be an untruth to put it mildly. You might be a JV partner with him, he has hoards of them for the free elite membership but a silent partner no way and yep, you guessed it we have proof of that as well.   

 We do not put up with spamming. We do not put up with disrespect. If some would take the time to focus on their business instead of slandering etc. Maybe
they would learn to be a Professional in the long run. With being a Professional is like being human you have to show respect for others and their views

You haven't got a clue Peaches what spamming is!! What your "CEO" did was harass Jim by deleting his comments on new members profiles simply for putting a sig line to his Chat Room. Once again not something that violates the TOS of CMU7. Show me evidence of spamming. You're falling into the trap of believing
his lies and making a fool and worse of yourself. Peaches, we are nothing but professionals and all we actually did was focus on CMU7 for way to long for a very undeserving "CEO". I will add this thoughPeaches. Did you ever realize that the truth is a form of respect and that lying is disrespect? We've been lied to from the get go and you are the latest "tool" to carry on his lies .

I have to take the time to apologize to our members for them

 Please don't bother apologizing for us or about our actions. You never have to apologize for telling the truth. And the truth
has started to come out. Be careful that you aren't hit by the fallout.

 BTW, what is your "CEO" ceo of? A corporation, an LLC, a partnership etc.? Do you know what a CEO is Peaches?? I doubt it. Does your "CEO" have a business license?

 Peaches J

I would like to add one thing Peaches. It takes a very bold person to write a blog against 2 individuals when they've been banned from the community and not able to answer in their defense. Very, very brave. So having no recourse your blog and my response is being posted here in Adland and will be posted elsewhere too.




Peter Fogel








Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Valerie Clavin

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Re: Reply To Peaches' Blog At CMU7
1/18/2008 1:24:09 PM

Peter,Jim Allen III, Brad West, & Caitlin Hagar

   My daddy told me something whenever I was being accused of something I did not do.

He said "It doesn't matter as long as God and I knew the Truth" 


Valerie Clavin

Hugs = Priceless

PS Of course I still think it helps when friends say "I trust & believe in you" - and we do


Peter Fogel

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Re: Reply To Peaches' Blog At CMU7
1/18/2008 2:29:41 PM
Hi Valerie,

You are a true friend and greatly appreciated.

Your daddy was 100% right but when you are able to reply and correct any wrong impressions that may be in peoples mind it is very important to do so.

Your trust and hugs are priceless.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Brad West

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Re: Reply To Peaches' Blog At CMU7
1/18/2008 3:01:47 PM

Thank You Peter for calling attention to this ludicrous post. I am still learning the hidden truths about CMU7 and its infamous CEO Steve (Beef) Sloan.


Now I’m wondering how long Sue (peaches) Dietrich has been a silent partner with out my knowledge. I was supposed to be an equal partner in cmu7. As a matter a fact I was the first one to cough up $100.00 for the first matrix script back in 2006. It just makes me wonder what kind of deal was made behind my back to make her an unknown partner. It is very disturbing to me that Beef could push Sheryl, Cait, and I out without any conscious. The money part doesn’t bother me as much as the thousands of hours invested into making CMU7 a viable community.


I have actually experienced Abuse form Admin on the CMU7 site, but I have no real problem with the attacks, and learn from every one of them. Also I read their posts when ever I get a chance. Just like this one from Peaches, I am forever amazed, that is truly all I can say.


The truth always prevails, and true love never fails. My intent is to lay the cards on the table face up this time. I have no intention to discourage anyone from staying in the CMU7 community. That choice is totally an individual one. My intent is to inform people with the truth in order for them to make an educated decision.


There is and will continue to be information for public view until the whole story and truth is exposed.

Making Heaps of Money is a Spiritual Experience. The Guild Blog Co-Op Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals
Brad West

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Re: Reply To Peaches' Blog At CMU7
1/18/2008 3:07:20 PM
This is Spam!!

We run our friends links for them in our rotator here

Brad West ~ onomoney
Making Heaps of Money is a Spiritual Experience. The Guild Blog Co-Op Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals

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