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Laila Falck

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Character of the representatives of World Government
1/5/2008 10:30:43 AM
    Dear Readers

Instead of presenting all objections to forming a world government, and giving  answers to each of them, I will in this article give a brief survey of its expected character and at the same time answer most of the scepticism or fears, I hope.Moreover I hope  that you will  feel relieved and will start looking around for signs of this new way of thinking. I have heard of the suggestion" of forming an assembly of wise men" recently, an international group.

World Government

Unity,The good of the whole

"One important feature of the Bahai model (of a world government) is its emphasis on unity instead of divisiveness. This has several implications,one of which is that all members of the world government must be dedicated to promoting the 'good of the whole' rather than the short term advantage of any part of mankind. They should regard themselves as world citizens and as the loving parents of all mankind, not as jealous neighbours. This implies a profound change in the concept of representatine government, for the representatives would not automatically promote whatever seems best for their constituency, nor should they campaign on such a basis. They would serve the legislature primarily in their capacity as experts of their local district, capable of providing detailed information about local views, needs and conditions.
As such, they would bring an enormous amount of knowledge to bear upon world problems. But they would be obliged to vote according to whatever they find to be the best for the whole of mankind, not according to the dictates of their constituency.

No world political parties

Devotion to serving the whole of mankind would also preclude the possibility of world political parties, for one cannot  be truly dedicated to the best interests of both party and to mankind as a whole.

This would mean that politics on the world level would be considered different from politics as it is practised in most nations today (although some Third World countries may find the concept of entrusting their affairs to the 'wisest elders', as being not far removed from their own cultural traditions).
By excluding party politics, we also exclude much of the unhealthy concentration of power in the hands of a few.. This would do much to alleviate fears that any  one group would come to dominate the world legislature. By eliminating the possibilities of individual power and its rewards, the task of working for the world government will attract those who truly wish to serve humanity and not those who crave power.

The process of nomination and elections would be considerably different.The basis for judgement between various candidates would be their qualifications based on their education, experience and dedication to serving humanity.The 'tyranny of minor states is one of the most frequently heard objections to the UN's General Assembly, and any other such world body that is based on the one-nation-one-vote system. Certainly, 51% of the nations can represent much less than 51% of the world's people.
The Bahai response to this is clear and simple. 'Abdu'l-Bahá said, 'The number of these representatives should be in proportion to the number of inhabitants of that country' Thus, the one-nation-one-vote system is not acceptable.
(More about this can be read in the book I gather my quotes from "World Peace and World Government" by Tyson
I just want to give you a brief overlook regarding the forming of a world government from the Bahai point of view.)


Under such a system, legislative consensus is reached by consultation rather than by the give and take of power politics. The Bahai concept of consultation aims to combine the knowledge and problem-solving capacity of several minds, with the least possible amount of internal friction between individuals. It is far removed from the various sorts of power politics that result in disunity within most nations today.

Bahais have put these principles into practise in their own administrative organization and have demonstrated that they are not only workable but that, once the requisite skills are learned, thay are highly effective.

Most of the non-Bahai ideas for world government are largely extrapolations from models of government that are culturally Western. The Bahai model includes the best aspects of the Western model, but introduces new themes of its own, outlined above, based on its concept of unity. These themes may seem strange to some at first. However, anyone who observes the problems that plague existing national governments as a result of their internal disunity will readily acknowledge the value of these unifying proposals."
As I have said before "the Bahai Faith is not alone.. in setting forth ideas on world government.There are several" ..some of "which are largely in line with the Bahai expectations in this field."
I personally expect that the forming of the world government will be done in order to muster the world wide problems we will most likely meet  due to the escalating! climate change. The results of the Bali conference is not enough, nor will be the Copenhagen meeting in a year. We must have a world government in the model I have presented above. It is quite appropriate.
I also think, personally, the  "sudden"climate change can be regarded as an "unforeseen calamity" (mentioned in my previous article). How could people in the early years of industrialization ever conceive of the consequences of burning fossil materials. Only about fifty years ago it begun to be realised by meterologists here in Sweden. One of these scientists, (who passed away the other day) calculated , quite correctly!how the climate in the years to come, would change due to the pollution of co2.  37 years ago, already I was terrified by the reports that was handed down  to us by scientists. I sought God then , thinking of the possible annihilation of mankind but I was calmed and comforted by Bahaullah.I came to know that God is quite aware what we are doing here on earth. But the world is not going to perish. This is a  blessing in disguise,I have chosen to believe,although this disguise is quite ugly and will terrify many.
Let us hear Bahaullah again:
"Please God, the peoples of the world may be led, as the result of the high endeavours exerted by their rulers and the wise and learned among men, to recognize their best interests. How long will humanity persist in its waywardness? How long will injustice continue? How long is chaos and confusion to reign amonst men? How long will discord agitate the face of society? The winds of despair are alas, blowing from every direction,..The signs of impending convulsions and chaos can now be discerned, inasmuch as the prevailing order appeareth to be lamentably defective."
The prevailing order  which Bahaullah mentions, what else could it be but, the system of sovereign states. There must be a World Order with a World Government. This is the new World of the Bible too.
Didn't Jesus Christ mean this, do you think.
If he, Jesus, meant the destruction and perishing of this material earth-world, well, then, in my opinion, even the work done by Christ would prove futile. For the simple reason that God needs people for Him to prove His Might, and people to love Him.
Would you tell me, dear reader, what you think of this!

Well, bye for a while
Kind regards from Laila

"Earth is but one country and mankind it's citizens" "The source of arts and crafts is the power of reflection" Bahá'u'lláh.1817-1892 Founder of the Bahái'Faith
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Re: Character of the representatives of World Government
1/6/2008 4:57:48 PM

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