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Richard Howell

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Re: Back Soon Replacing PC uggg !
12/3/2007 6:18:24 AM
Hi Lee -

A guaranteed solution to your problem:

==>  How To Fix Lee's Broken Computer <==

Just a quick note to prove we can still take time to laugh, even when things aren't going our way at the moment.

Take care, and see you around AdlandPro and Facebook.

Your friend,
Richard Howell

Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Back Soon Replacing PC uggg !
12/3/2007 10:18:14 AM

LoL Rich,

Almost what I did with the old one once I pulled the hard drive out , I agree one always has to keep humor when such issues accure everything is easier resovled that way Thank you my friend Gods speed :-) Lee

Beryl Payton

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Re: Back Soon Replacing PC uggg !
12/3/2007 3:40:25 PM

Hi Lee,

Sorry to hear that about your computer.  Yea it is a chore learning how Vista works.  It may be easier for you, but I am still learning and have had Vista for 6 months now.

I was so use to XP that when I first got Vista did not care too much for it, but found out it gave me a lot of extras and it actually makes some things a lot easier. 

Hope to have you back room soon.  You are missed.



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Re: Back Soon Replacing PC uggg !
12/3/2007 4:28:49 PM


I think some of the extras are awesome , so true it is not XP I might get lost trying to find the simplest programs .lol I currently have everything I need to have available for now I hope...Im sure I will find a couple I missed along the way. As websites PC are never complete as day to day aways, addons, new,upgrades, est...Thank you for sharing Gods speed :-) Lee


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