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Steven Suchar

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Re: Your Sunday Chuckle - From Peter
10/31/2008 7:52:15 PM
The Sun Has Set...

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Your Sunday Chuckle - From Peter
11/27/2008 12:46:29 PM
In Colossians 4:5 " Be wise in the way you act towards outsiders; make the most of ever opportunity. Realize with family it usually takes time. Plant and water seeds, but don't try to force them to grow overnight. Watch out that that you don't across as self-righteous or spiritually arrogent."  Here's another my friends in Matthew 5:14-16- "Let your light shine! Be differant. Preach a sermon with your life. Show love, say " I love you," be a servant, be thankful, be kind, be unselfish." We here at Adlandpro, you , me , other friends make Adlandpro a special place more than other communitys, I see it. In Romans 12:18 it reads " If it is possible, as far a it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." God_bless you with your contibutions!Smiley ACHI PETER
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Steven Suchar

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Re: Your Sunday Chuckle - From Peter
11/27/2008 6:47:29 PM
Hi Peter!

Your friendship is the best gift I could ever receive.  :)  God bless you always!!

Have a wonderful evening...your OREO friend Steven.
