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Len Berghoef

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Re: Cancer Update from John Hopkins
11/23/2007 1:35:59 PM
Hi Georgios,

Thank you for posting. Cancer is an awful disease, and it affects so many people in terrible ways.

You are doing great work in the hostpitals with your translating. Certainly courage and positive thinking can help those who have this awful disease. I appreciate your support and words of wisdom on this subject.

Have a good weekend!

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Len Berghoef

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Re: Cancer Update from John Hopkins
11/23/2007 1:45:23 PM

Hi Lorraine,

It is good to get your imput on this as you are our resident nurse or should I say our resident community nurse. :) 

We have had many in our family die of cancer and most recently my father. Catching it in time is the key, but too often it goes undetected, and by the time it is spotted it is too late. 

Thank you for your support and kind words they are much appreciated.




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Len Berghoef

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Re: Cancer Update from John Hopkins
11/23/2007 2:02:29 PM

Hi Fionnuala,

Thank you for taking the time to stop by. What your husband has sounds like Esophageal cancer and that is what my father had along with chronic Lymphocytic Luekemia. The Esophageal cancer wasn't discovered until it was way too advanced. They did operate to put tubes in his stomach and small intestine so he could be fed, but he never recovered from the following chemo and radiation. 

I think it is wise not to operate and let your husband enjoy the days he has left in as much comfort as possible. I hope that you're husband's quality of life will be good for a long time yet.

Best Wishes,


Start a 2nd income and get out of debt!
Len Berghoef

1472 Posts
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Re: Cancer Update from John Hopkins
11/23/2007 2:08:08 PM

Hi Bro Nick,

Thanks for the big Thank you!

You are

Have a great weekend!


Start a 2nd income and get out of debt!
Len Berghoef

1472 Posts
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Re: Cancer Update from John Hopkins
11/23/2007 2:47:16 PM

Hi Barb,

Thank you for you're post. You're informative article has good information too on good eating habits. 

Do you 
know anyone that chooses disease?  

The J.H. article is stating that we need to know what to do differently as far as our eating, drinking and cooking habits are concerned so we are saying pretty much after same thing. Doing what is healthy and stop doing what is not healthy.

The important thing about this information from John Hopkins is that it is accurate, and that it informs people on what we should be aware of and looking for concerning disease.  I am not so concerned that it comes right off someones desk at John Hopkins hospital.  

Sometime we just have cancer cells that are genetic. For example I have a high cholesterol count my family doctor told me based on my family history that I could be a vegetarian and it would not change my cholesterol count much at all. 

I totally agree that good eating habits is important and I think that is key to healthy living. If you have followed my other posts in this forum you will see that this something I feel strongly about. I also soon would like to do a post on drinking water because it is important that we know the truth about tap water and bottled water. 

Barb thanks for posting!

Have a safe and healthy Thanksgiving weekend,


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