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Chuck Detore

158 Posts
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the COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT was inactive?
11/13/2007 9:57:50 AM
I don't understand why, maybe not enough folks complaining?  How can that be?  I'm flabbergasted.. ever been there?  Good thing I checked.  Anyway, this may get things moving along for us all to gripe about whatever.  I haven't yet received the 'Distinguished Gentleman' award, perplexing,,,, and (guys only) if you haven't either COMPLAIN!!!  But first, make sure you're worthy.  How?  All you have to do is watch one short video for starters- Sensitivity Training. 
And ladies, not to leave you out, a short video with Johnny Deep will always enhance and enlighten your day!  It can be found right under the
Sensitivity Training.  video. enjoy or complain!

Chuck Detore Join my social network!
Daniel Meritt

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Re: the COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT was inactive?
11/13/2007 10:01:53 AM
Hi Chuck

That was great :)

I loved it !


Joelees Wholesale

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Re: the COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT was inactive?
11/13/2007 10:27:11 AM

Hi Chuck,

Great videos and post , perplexing huh  na... as you know Adlands system must sort out who gets what invite as many seem to never receive one or get it week later  Go Figure but I thank you for allow all who do not complain to you :-) lol  Thank you again for a enlightening post  enjoy your day my friend Gods speed :-) Lee

Heidi Stern

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Re: the COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT was inactive?
11/13/2007 10:29:06 AM
heheh thanks chuck that was great! lol lol
Heidi Stern ~ Your Friend in Wellness
Re: the COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT was inactive?
11/13/2007 10:37:48 AM
Well, it quite interesting, intellectual, and alarming at the same, but I mean that in a postive perceptive. God Bless Alexia