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Beryl Payton

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Re: Black and White - Just for fun!
10/27/2007 4:07:18 PM

Hi Judy,

Thanks for the blast back to the past.  I remember sitting out on the porch and relaxing after church on Sunday.  We'd lay back and wait our turn to crank for a while, but when it was ready, yes, definitely the best ice cream ever.

I still watch the old re-runs on TV Land and the 60's music, right up my alley.  Thanks for all these great memories.

              thanks74.jpg picture by jeana900


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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Black and White - Just for fun!
10/27/2007 4:10:51 PM

Hi Judy,

I remembered something else awhile after I posted. 

Before we got a color TV, my mom would always say "I bet those mountains and sunset would look beautiful in color" or whatever scene happened to be on at that time. 

I think she did it just to bug my father!  It eventually worked, I guess!

Judy Smith

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Re: Black and White - Just for fun!
10/28/2007 8:06:23 PM

Hi Beryl,

Thanks for coming.  A blast from the past is always a bit nostalgic fo me.  I love to think about those years.  We used to have a big family meal on Sundays after church and my Dad freqently cooked or smoked or grill something in the Dutch oven grill that he thought was the cat's meow.

Now I grin, because my mom was a fantastic phenominal cook and her meals were always appreciated, but rarely more than just acknowledged.  When my Dad did the main dish on his little grille we would never hear the end of how wonderful it was.  We all got a big kick out of it and tell stories between us from time to time.



Judy Smith

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Re: Black and White - Just for fun!
10/28/2007 8:09:38 PM

Hi Kathleen,

I can relate to that.  As you can imagine, my mom's comments were totally the opposite.  She would make remarks about how WONDERFUL something was in color and was usually facetious, because someone had a green face or was wearing an orange wige. 

I love this - it is bringing up some fun times!!




Judy Smith

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Re: Black and White - Just for fun!
10/28/2007 9:08:35 PM

Hi Val, and thank you so much.  That is a perfect illustration of what I was talking about.  We did enjoyable and constructive things usually with family or friends and they were constructive.  We built relationships because we were taught that they were important.  We made the choice because it was the right thing to do AND because we enjoyed it.

Guess global warming (you know that phomenon that doesn't exist)  is partly to blame for the lack of snow. 

We have had the same thing here on the east coast.  We used to have a blast in Valley Forge Park making snow men and snow angels and sledding and we haven't had more than one snow a year that works for any of it in quite a while.

Thanks for triggering some more happy memories.  This is fun!!

