
Re: PROFILE OF THE DAY ~ 10-12-07
10/12/2007 9:02:34 AM

Congratulations Kathleen



Lurgan Ireland


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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: PROFILE OF THE DAY ~ 10-12-07
10/12/2007 9:31:00 AM

Thanks, Fionulla!
It seems to be a happy cat day!

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: PROFILE OF THE DAY ~ 10-12-07
10/12/2007 9:32:55 AM
Fionnuala,  that is definitely many letters!  Sorry I spelled it wrong the first time.  My Grandmother came over to USA from Ireland, and my Great-Grandmother's name was Moira, she had to put up with people calling her Maria or Myra.  Thanks for visiting!
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Kevin Doolittle

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Re: PROFILE OF THE DAY ~ 10-12-07
10/12/2007 9:37:17 AM

Congratulations Kathleen! I wish to thank you for alll you do as well.

And thank you Steven for this opportunity to share our opportunities.


After looking into the GDI opportunity you will find that it is an exciting, well organized and rock solid company.


Perhaps the most compelling aspect of this system is that they offer an affiliate program (ask me if you don't know what that is) that is taking the Internet by storm, with new affiliates signing up by the tens of thousands.


It's intriguing to watch how fast this program is spreading across the planet (seriously, they're in over 200 countries now). The web site I’m about to give you is already more popular than a lot of the "household name" companies that you know of, such as AT&T and even Visa.


I guess when a high-value product this excellent is being enjoyed by this many people, especially at such a low cost, word-of-mouth advertising takes center stage, and we all know that you can't beat personal recommendations.


That's where this company is doing things differently, even starting a cutting edge home business revolution.


I know you're excited about this, but listen. It gets even better.


While I'm creating my web site using the GDI SiteBuilder and the professionally designed templates that are included, I'm also earning some money on the side, potentially A LOT of money.


Although the product package is great, and includes your own domain name (also known as a web site address), web site hosting, full featured email accounts, and the GDI SiteBuilder software (this is like having an automated web master, since you can build and publish your web site on the Internet, or make changes to it at any time, in minutes and without any special skills or knowledge), what I REALLY like about this company is how generous they are when it comes to rewarding their customers for referring friends, family, or anyone else they know of that might have a use for this awesome, high-value web site package.


MILLIONS of people are looking for something like this, especially at this low price. That's why I'm so excited about it.


It's a low-risk, high-return home business for a lot of people, worldwide.


Reading some of the testimonials on the GDI web site let me know how many lives this company is changing for the better.


Some of the serious "affiliates" (promoters) of this company are making THOUSANDS of dollars every month, ongoing, for telling other people about the neat services that GDI offers.


They make it simple with all the ready-to-go tools they provide. It's like a business in a box. In less than 5 minutes, your International business is up and running and I'm not exaggerating, seriously.


If you find this as intriguing as I do, you could actually make a full time living at this in just a few hours per day. No joke.


All it takes is a little time and a desire for a more attractive lifestyle. Are you ready for that?


Here's a short video that explains everything in more detail.


Check it out: - Read on before you click.


After watching this, I can see why GDI has been featured in major publications such as Entrepreneur Magazine and the San Diego Union Tribune, and was on the Inc. 500 list of the top 50 fastest growing companies in the United States, as well as being The Network Marketing Business Journal's Company of the Month.


I'd like to hear your thoughts on this after you've had an opportunity to review this information.


I consider this to be a serious opportunity. Don't discount the information I'm giving you just because this is so inexpensive (actually FREE) to get started.


After you've looked over the information, please reply to this email and let me know what you though about it.


I hope you're as excited about this opportunity as I am, because I'm looking for some great people to work with and I have the support of some of the top earners in the company who have been at this full time for almost 3 years now - and they're earning CRAZY MONEY and can tell you how to do the same!


Join me... okay? It's free to check this out for a full week, so you're not really risking anything except for the few minutes it will take you to create your trial account. Join our winning team!


Go here now to see the presentation and to start your free trial right away.


To see the presentation -CLICK HERE!


There is more!Check this out!

I am including a bonus link that will guarantee you three in your downline in seven days or this offer from "3in7" will reimburse your first month's membership fee of $10. In effect you receive the seven day free trial plus a free month if they don't come through.

Here is the link:

Please make sure you follow the instructions carefully or the guarantee may be voided! Thanks

I look forward to welcoming you to our team!


Kevin Doolittle


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