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Kari Shinal

143 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Mother and Son
10/8/2007 8:12:18 PM
Mother and Son

Mom! Can you make it dark outside?
No I cannot, day's not ready to hide.
But it will shortly and very soon.
The Sun does its own thing and so does the moon.

Mom! Mom! Can you fix this for me?
Well I can try Son, but as you can see,
Each thing that needs mending takes time to take shape.
It's not like a movie or video tape.

Mom! Oh Mom! Are you ok?
Yes Son, I am and by the way,
You bring me Love that I cherish the most,
With Love and hugs, and you never boast.

Mom! Oh Mom! This thing will not work!
Yes Son, I know that things have their quirks.
But someday you'll see that things do have a way,
Of working themselves out with each passing day.

Mom can you help me do this thing,
That I cannot ? I need to sing.
Yes in your own time child of mine,
You will have chances to sparkle and shine.

But Mom, sometimes I feel so alone.
Sometimes I walk and feel like I roam.
I know Son that sometimes there are days whe I feel,
The same as you, like a spinning wheel.

Then shall I spin Mom, just like a top.
Sure Son, you may but you must indeed stop,
As some times a dizzyness can set in,
Then son it can be quite tough to win.

Mom! Oh Mom! Can you hold me tight?
Of course Son I can and all through the night,
Will watch and guard as Moms always do,
Because dear Son I indeed Love you.

Mom, can I hold you up some day?
Yes, if you wish but do not dismay,
You'll stand on your own and when you do,
Think only how tall and strong are you.

But Mom, you hold me up sometimes,
You tell me stories tell me rhymes,
So I will be there to do the same.
You'll see Mom I will, my own heart to tame.

But I'll not let go of the things that we share,
And how much, Mom, I really do care.
And I'll hold you tight when times get tough,
Even if from a-far and times are rough.

And Mom when I do, you'll know of me,
My spirit will fly wherever I be.
I'll be there for you in all times and places,
I'll smile and be there to tie your shoe laces,

Oh my Son you are precious and I'll not forget,
The words that you tell me this day, you bet.
The bond between Mother and Son never parts,
It only grows stronger within their Hearts.

Kari Shinal
Copyright 9-8-2007
Kari Shinal
Diane Bjorling

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Re: Mother and Son
10/8/2007 9:38:23 PM
I have known many who have never had the joy of this bond.....and that bond is indeed incredible...
Thank-you for sharing your heartfelt words....

Peace and Light to You

Michael Derowin

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Re: Mother and Son
10/9/2007 12:24:16 AM

Hi Kari,

You have brought memories back to me from my childhood with my Mother. We had a very good bond between us even tho I was #9 of 11 in my family. My Mother bonded with us all in a different way the youngest she bonded with the most which is normal from what I have been told. The bond with my Mother never really stopped even tho I lost contact with her for a number of years.

I also remember when my son was born and the bond between him and his Mother. My son would play tricks on his Mother just to see the look on her face, disappointed if there was no surprise. With all the bonding my Son and I did between us the bond between son and Mother was stronger.

Kari when children are bonding with the Parents there is lots of practical jokes played against them by both sides. This was where the funniest Memories are for me anyways as that is where the happiest moments are from in my memory. There is so many I would not know where to begin to put smiles on everyone's face.

Thank-you very much my Poetic friend.

God bless you and your family Kari as you bless us with your words.

Your Poet friend,


Dimitra Bravou

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Re: Mother and Son
10/9/2007 9:52:50 AM
Hi Kari

Thank you for your poem. It brings so many memories to me as a mother. Very emotioning.




Kari Shinal

143 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Mother and Son
10/9/2007 2:20:27 PM
Hi Diane,

I also know people who have not experienced the same. As you know, I actually have 3 sons. Each one different. I should hope that I have one of them become as this poem someday :)

Kari Shinal

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