Thanks for some important information, Ken. Automobiles and their repair and replacement are not inexpensive. Damage to these hi-tech systems can cost a lot more than the days of old. When you could probably do the repairs yourself, as we did back home in the country.
Today I don't even change my own oil because it cheaper to pull in and have it done. Plus disposing of the old oil has to be considered. We did a lot of bad things to the enviroment, years ago that we can not continue doing today.
If we expect this earth to be habitable for our Great Grandkids, and that is who I am most concerned about in the long term future. What kind of world will we leave for them? have been good caretakers? i know I have issues here and I am sure most folks would.
It makes you wonder.. " What kind of caretaker have I been and what can I do to become better? " We all have to address this with ourselves and our families and try to do better, with what time we have left to do it in.
Thanks Ken,