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Bogdan Fiedur

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Success is not the key to happiness...
7/20/2007 10:14:51 AM

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you'll be a success."

-- Albert Schweitzer, humanitarian

Be a victor not a victim. Simply be responsible for what happensin your life.
Truth can only be found by those who have the humility to consider what they do not prefer.

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Judy Smith

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Re: Success is not the key to happiness...
7/20/2007 10:17:57 AM

Albert said it all and said it well!

Thanks, Bogdan!


Re: Success is not the key to happiness...
7/20/2007 10:27:24 AM

HI Bogdan,

Thanks for today's great quote! I have to say Mr Schweitzer sure knew what he was talking about! You definitely have to love what you are doing to be successful at it, and it sure helps to be happy as well!

Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend with the family.

God Bless You,


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Nick Grimshawe

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Re: Success is not the key to happiness...
7/20/2007 11:44:11 AM
Thanks Bogdan,

A great quote by a dedicated humanitarian. Getting things in the right sequence is critical, and in this case, happiness brings success, and in a way happiness is success!

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Jason Leverette

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Re: Success is not the key to happiness...
7/20/2007 11:57:16 AM

Albert Schweitzer was much, much more than a humanitarian.  He was a Medical Doctor, Distinguished Muscian, Author, Ordained Minister, a Professor of Philosophy and from his accomplishments he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952.

Apparently he was very successful in all of his endeavors, yet he said, "Success is not the key to happiness...".  I suppose all of us are attempting to have both so we must do what we love and love what we do. I have heard a few people say, "I love my job", then they're happy and successful.

"When you are successful in your marriage and parenting your children to success, this is your happiness" - Jason Leverette, Patriot 

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