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Nick Sym

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Re: Please place adds; & Biz; ventures here !
1/22/2008 9:21:53 PM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Please place adds; & Biz; ventures here !
1/22/2008 9:27:48 PM
JD Premium Products offers several additional earning opportunities. As a Distributor you will also receive your own Website, Account Manager, marketing tools, and training. We are committed to providing our Distributors with the highest quality, all natural products that can be re-sold at fair market prices. Our goal is to empower each Distributor to achieve the highest possible level of success for their business.
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Sharon Lee

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Re: Please place adds; & Biz; ventures here !
1/27/2008 11:33:51 AM

My Main Business and My Main POWERFUL Source Of Advertising It!!!

You All Know The ADLANDPRO Team.

You All Know The SUCCESS That We Have.

BECAUSE Team Work,,,Just Works!!!!

Our Adlandpro Team. (Since December 2006)  

If we are to be Successful,, We Must All Share Our Success!!!

Join Our Team Today!!

Join at  and recieve a FREE account with a LIFETIME Executive membership.

Executives are entitled to mail a safemail everyday. PLUS a additional credit mailer too!!

With The Adlandpro Team, You will recieve Total Team Work help with your marketing. BOTH Online and Offline. Our Business has Many ways to market and you will soon find the one you are comfortable with.  

Take a LOOK!!! JOIN US Today!!

And Here is a SUCCESSFUL Marketing Tool for you also,,,,,

DO IT ALL HERE!!! The number 1 marketing tool!!! Everything you need to jumpstart your marketing is in one place.

FFA, Mailers, Classifieds, List builders, Free software, Web tips and Lots More!!!

This site Pays itself. Pay One time,,Lifetime account!! Works for me!!!

Use this site with Dedication and you WILL See your results within a week.


To YOUR Success!!

Sharon Lee  

JD Premium Products (Jerky Direct)

JOIN Our HUGE Team Work Business Today.

JOIN The Woods marketing Forum For FREE at:

Post You Ads Daily. This Forum Is In GOOGLE and Top in the Engines...;-)

Sharon Lee

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Re: Please place adds; & Biz; ventures here !
2/15/2008 7:49:10 PM
Earn $$$ On a Monthly Basis for each bag of jerky or Toxic Free Radiance product that is ordered from YOUR own Website.
Team Work,,,Just Works!!
View JerkyHill's entire team build at:

This is a Team Build Started in Adlandpro!!!
We have extended beyond Adlandpro and are in hundreds of communities, Blog spots, Safemailers and Lots of Land Marketing. There are SOoooo Many ways to market your Simple Business. (just ask Patricia Bartch,,She has a Great list!)
All you need is $12.00 to start with and in a few short month's,, Your $12.00 fee will be covered. From There,,,Its a simple free business that also rewards you with products every month at NO Additional cost to you.
How easy is that!!!!!!
And we make it even easier!!!
We ARE A Team that Won't quit and we are all dedicated to help everyone succeed.


*NO Hormones***NO Antibiotics*

Unlike most jerky in the marketplace, Jerky Direct Natural Jerky is made from Beef, Buffalo, and Turkey that have never received artificial growth hormones or antibiotics, and most products contain NO Preservatives. Not only does our products Taste GOOD, But They are GOOD For you!!


*Toxic Free Skin Care and Healthy Supplements*

This is a 27 Billion dollar industry. Toxic free Skin care Products and Omega Krill Oil natural Supplements. These are New products just added to this amazing opportunity. In the very first month of the radiance line being added,, Most of our members Doubled their income by joining our second Team in

By adding "Enhanced" commissions, We are now generating additional income and additional sales commissions too!! The same principals apply as to our amazing Team Building. In less than one month,, The JDRadiance Team is already building its 3rd level of Members.


*We are GROWING at a rate at which OTHER Sales Companies can ONLY DREAM*

Customers have decided that they Love JD Premium Products ( Jerky Direct ) We are growing Rapidly. Jerky Direct averages a HUGE number of hits each month and our customer retention is Excellent, at a rate at which other direct sales companies can only dream!! Our Jerky Snacks have received great reviews with customers raving about our fresh, soft products.

Just One taste and You will agree. Ask us for a sample of our Great tasting jerky snack.


*We Have A DEDICATED Team. ALL Of Us Are Working,, Filling OTHERS Like YOU!!*

When you Join Our Team in Jerky Direct, You not only receive ALL the above, But you receive a unique way that we are building this business. We Are The very FIRST "LIVE" Team build of Jerky Direct. We "Place" new members in YOUR Line to help Grow YOUR Business and in turn,, We will Teach YOU to do the same. This insures a Strong and Forever lasting Team in Your Business. A Business that will last Year after Year!!!

Our Team has had the fastest Growth in Jerky Direct. We are a top 8 Producing Team and we aim to "Stay" this way.

There are many members Forums to help with you getting started and unlike other Teams,,, We Are ALL Here to help YOU! We will teach YOU to do the same with YOUR Team.

We are ALL Team Leaders. We are ALL Dedicated to earning a income from home and KEEPING It!!


JOIN US TODAY!! We Guarantee your success.

For Jerky Snacks and Healthy Supplements.

For Toxic Free Radiance and Enhanced Commissions and a New Line of Household Products!!

JOIN One line or Both!!! We are here to help,, No matter what!!

Sharon Lee/Team Leader

I am a Proud JD Premium Products Advisory Board Member and a winner of of 2007 Sizzling Summer getaway vacation with JD Premium Products. Ask me about my trip,,, It was awsome!!

JOIN Our Great Team Today at: 

Our Product List!!!! GrOwInG!!!!!!

4 flavors of All Natural Turkey Jerky
9 Flavors of All Natural Buffalo Jerky
11 Flavors of All Natural Beef Jerky
4 Flavors of 100% Certified Organic Beef Jerky
Exclusive Signature Series
4 Flavors of Omega 3 Krill fortified Fruit Stixs


Complete Supplement Pack

Omega 3 Krill Oil
Energy Combo
Antioxidant Blend
Multi Vitamin Mineral Supplement
Cholesterol Buster
Radiant Cleanse
Pure Radiance Cleansing Pads
Emerald Buffing Cream
Radiant Rose Mist
Soothing Lavender Toner
Radiant Repair Serum
Crystal Recovery Gel
Radiant Moisturizing Therapy
Radiant Silk Crème
Essence Collection 
Clarifying Collection
Rejuvenating Collection
Pure Radiance Collection 
Burst of Radiance Green Tea Bar Soap
NEW! Burst of Radiance Shampoo
NEW! Burst of Radiance Conditioner
NEW! Burst of Radiance Shower Gel


NEW! Hand & Body Lotion


NEW! Organic Laundry Concentrate

NEW! Organic All Purpose Cleaner

NEW! Organic Stain Pen
Sharon Lee

6727 Posts
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Re: Please place adds; & Biz; ventures here !
2/16/2008 12:05:19 PM

Have You EVER Experienced a Ground Floor Opportunity??

Earn $$$ On a Monthly Basis and be a part of the biggest and fastest team build ever in the Adlandpro Community. With Leaders to help you all the way!!

Team Work,,,Just Works!!

View JerkyHill's entire team build at:

This is a Team Build Started in Adlandpro!!!
We have extended beyond Adlandpro and are in hundreds of communities, Blog spots, Safemailers and Lots of Land Marketing. There are SOoooo Many ways to market your Simple Business. (just ask Patricia Bartch,,She has a Great list!)
All you need is $12.00 to start with and in a few short month's,, Your $12.00 fee will be covered. From There,,,Its a simple free business that also rewards you with products every month at NO Additional cost to you.
How easy is that!!!!!!
And we make it even easier!!!
We ARE A Team that Won't quit and we are all dedicated to help everyone succeed.


*We are GROWING at a rate at which OTHER Sales Companies can ONLY DREAM*

Customers have decided that they Love JD Premium Products ( Jerky Direct ) We are growing Rapidly. Jerky Direct averages a HUGE number of hits each month and our customer retention is Excellent, at a rate at which other direct sales companies can only dream!!


*We Have A DEDICATED Team. ALL Of Us Are Working,, Filling OTHERS Like YOU!!*

Our Team has had the fastest Growth in JD Premium Products. We are a top 8 Producing Team and we aim to "Stay" this way.

Founder, Roger Ball, Is also a Founder from Melaluca Products. (So this will be BIG!) I had the unique pleasure of meeting Roger Ball at the Sizzling Summer vacation in 2007. A Beautiful week long retreat with all of the JD Premium Products Staff and 9 other top producers of JD Premium Products.

There are many members Forums to help with you getting started and unlike other Teams,,, We Are ALL Here to help YOU! We will teach YOU to do the same with YOUR Team.

We are ALL Team Leaders. We are ALL Dedicated to earning a income from home and KEEPING It!!


JOIN US TODAY!! We Guarantee your success.

Sharon Lee/Team Leader

I am a Proud JD Premium Products Advisory Board Member and a winner of of 2007 Sizzling Summer getaway vacation with JD Premium Products. Ask me about my trip,,, It was awsome!!

JOIN Our Great Team Today at:
