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Terry Gorley

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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time To Honor AdlandPro's 95th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
5/27/2007 12:31:01 PM
Dear John & Pauline,
As my week of POTW is coming to a close, I just wanted to say again how proud I've been to be honoured in this way and THANK YOU for this wonderful service that you provide.
THANK YOU again to my wonderful friends, Joe and Judy for nominating me.  You are treasures that I will cherish forever.   
THANK YOU to my wonderful friends who voted for me and to those who voted for the other nominees.  Without the voters POTW wouldn't exist.
To my special friend Georgios.  Your support has been awesome and I thank you for the wonderful tribute you did to Pauline, Juliana and myself ... THANK YOU!   
Its been a week of jubilation, awe, shock, fun, exhilarating, magical and filled with love.     
With Love & Gratitude, I leave you with these gifts:
Gratitude is a gift of Love . . .
it is what Love returns to the world,
as a symbol of appreciation for life,
for being, for NOW.

When you open your heart to Love & Gratitude magic happens!


I am awakened each morning with Gratitude.
I walk throughout the day with Gratitude.
I play and relax with Gratitude.
At night I go to bed in wonderous appreciation with Gratitude.
When I experience the gifts Mother Nature has given me for free,
I say, "Thank you!" with Gratitude.
Saying "Thank you," opens my heart with Gratitude.
My spirit touches others and they in turn express how they feel
with Gratitude.
I have an intense sense of well-being when I thank myself
as I do others with my deepest appreciation and Gratitude.
It is with Gratitude, I understand that what I value most in life is
my family, my health, to be loved unconditionally and respected.
It is with Gratitude,
I understand the importance of self-respect and what it means to me.
As I attain my goals throughout my life,
I will do it with Gratitude.
Life is a journey and with every step I take along the way,
I will do it with Gratitude.
-©Terry Gorley-

“The seeds of greatness are ideas you learn from people who’ve been great in their service to others.” - Denis Waitley -
I'm proud to have you follow me as the next POTW, Bj.  Enjoy your week ... its a magical experience you will hold in your heart forever!  
Voting has begun for the 97th POTW ... please vote!
From the bottom of my heart ... thank you all!
With love and hugs,
Kisses   Kisses   Kisses
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Dee Hudson

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Re: It's Time To Honor AdlandPro's 95th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
5/27/2007 7:32:55 PM
Hi Terry

nearly missed you, Sorry I have not been around. I had to go into hospital and was not online, But All's well now lol, 

Congratulations on this great Triumph

Have a wonderful life

Take care Because I care

Terry Gorley

2831 Posts
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Re: It's Time To Honor AdlandPro's 95th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
5/27/2007 7:40:09 PM

Thank you, Dee!

I'm so happy you made it and even more happy that you are alright.

Its been a wonderful week and did I catch a little birdie say that you will be in the next nominations?

I'll look forward to congratulating you too.

Celtic Pan-Flute



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Pauline Raina

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Re: It's Time To Honor AdlandPro's 95th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
5/28/2007 10:22:48 PM
Thank you Terry,

You have been our perfect  POTW Queen !!! wow you did have an awesome week...!! from the posts here I can see how much you are loved and adored !! Continue being who you are, and always know you have a special place in our hearts !!

I Pray for blessings to follow you always !!

your friend always,

Pauline R

Joe Downing

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Re: It's Time To Honor AdlandPro's 95th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
5/29/2007 7:50:38 AM
To our dearest Terry!

Some may say your reign as Queen of POTW is over, but it really has only just begun.  Once a queen, always a queen.  You have served the POTW community admirably and filled it full of love, joy, goodwill and a warmth that has spread throughout Adland and beyond.  

This party is not over and I cannot wait to continue the dance of our partnerships and enjoy the joyful melancholic gracious rhythm of your TEAM spirit.  You are truly an inspiration to those who understand your Back 2 Basics: All for one and one for all!  We thank you for the beautiful poems.

From this forum and thenceforth, ye shall surely knoweth you are loved and them who passeth through here shall knoweth that you are love.

A treasure you are and a priceless one at that.  You are above great and much more than awesome.

You are Terry the Terrific!

With much gratitude, admiration and appreciation,
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