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Re: Beware of New Scheme
4/29/2007 11:02:08 AM

Hi Mary,

I have another helpful hint - before you get into your car, walk around it once and check for anything out of the ordinary.  Rip the paper off the rear window before you unlock your car.

Also, take advantage of any security people or the grocery baggers to escort you to your car.

The basic thing is to be alert and aware of your surroundings.  If you don't feel comfortable, listen to yourself and take measures to find assistance or even postpone going back to your car till you feel more at ease.

And you know to run stoplights if someone threatening walks up to your car?  Use your horn to make a spectacle of yourself; it will deter many people who mean to do you harm.

It's a crazy world and there's no end in sight - be prepared!

Nick Sym

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Re: Beware of New Scheme
4/30/2007 12:59:22 AM

Thanks Mary,

I thank God sometimes that I do not own a car. Insurance rates are insane and gas prices are the highest they have ever been!

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Re: Beware of New Scheme
5/1/2007 9:59:24 PM

Hi Mary,

  Good grief!!!  What will they think of next?

Thanks for giving us the heads up.

Your Good Friend


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Re: Beware of New Scheme
5/1/2007 10:49:28 PM


I just got bad news for car owners.

When you are cruising and enjoying the beautiful country route of beautiful Malaysia, beware of the gangsters who tailgate you and ram your back. You stop to inspect, one of the gang is now going to your driver seat. Zoom, it goes your new car.

More scary than the stunt. I guess in the USA, more such gangsters are operating in this mode too.


Thanks for the Forum. Nice to see you again Philip Low c.m.o. My Cabby Career
Herb Gruenewald

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Re: Beware of New Scheme
5/2/2007 12:09:11 AM
Hi Mary,

Thanks - I difintely will pass this on to my sister and my daugthers.

God bless,
