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James Max

711 Posts
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Re: Social Networking
4/26/2007 8:32:34 PM

Hey Mary,

You come up with the most original, informative stuff anyone can find here in the forums.

Must be the "teacher" in you, lol!

Thanks for the invite.

To your Awesome Success.

PS>  And if anyone  is wondering 'Where are all the flowers gone?"  I saw some growing nicely down the road at this spot.  Check it out and see.

max@work - caring, sharing and mentoring's_Profile.htm



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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Social Networking
4/26/2007 8:49:29 PM

Ah ha, so the house of max has lots of little houses now----a   community of a group of nice friends of James Maxwell.

Hey everybody, come over and visit James.  Who do you see?

So you already know some of the folk.  Great, now bring some of your friends.

James, I will add your community to my original post too!!  Thanks, Vegas!! Your alright!!

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Social Networking
4/26/2007 10:39:27 PM  Sign up is free.
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Arthur Webster

600 Posts
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Re: Social Networking
4/27/2007 3:32:39 AM
Hi, Mary,

O Jeez,

Where do I get the time for another community?

When I look at the amount of time I spend just keeping up to date with my small circle of friends here, at Adland, I have to wonder if I could do justice to another membership. Also, of course, there is all the other interaction I have on the net with thousands of individuals.

It all demands time.

I must be the world's worst recruiter and am certainly not making much money on the internet - but I am having a great time and the constant receipt of news, information and messages has been an enormous help to me during my recent ill health.

Looking at Ojeez, I can see that this could either become addictive and take up even more of my limited spare time or be wasted because I simply couldn't devote the necessary time to it.

I thank you for the invitation but,  in all conscience,  I'd hate to join just for the sake of joining.

The Old Coot
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Social Networking
4/27/2007 7:02:31 AM

Donald and Arthur,

I hear ya.  One could over do it.  There would go quality when overrun with quantity.

I would suggest Ojeez  for those not involved in many other communities.  This could be good for all the new people who have joined Adlandpro in recent weeks who want more exposure to a new set of friends and are not overwhelmed with community networking.  For marketers looking for specific marketing places it is another avenue to travel down..

I also think it is like involvement with programs.  One should sift out those not working well for you and retain what works.  As Ojeez develops we will see its value and decide if it stays on my list.  I will keep you all posted. 
