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Neil Reinhardt

1314 Posts
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Re: The drug company lobbyists want to Govern our natural food supplements!
4/21/2007 5:41:19 PM
Hi Judy, I already signed and passed it on. THANK YOU FOR POSTING IT AS WELL! May I suggest the next time you post something, you put SPACES in between the paragraphs to make it easier to read? thanks Neil
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Re: The drug company lobbyists want to Govern our natural food supplements!
4/22/2007 9:09:19 PM


This is going to be a long term battle because the big pharmica is the one pushing the move to have supplements controled.

If this happens you will have to have your dotor prescribe any of them to you.


James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Re: The drug company lobbyists want to Govern our natural food supplements!
4/22/2007 11:46:47 PM
Yes, I know that. Did you sign?
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