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Judy Smith

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Re: What Are You Grateful For
9/10/2007 8:01:09 PM

Hi Terry,

I hadn't been here in a while, so I enjoyed reading though the posts.  Monica, I love Proverbs too!

A couple of pages back I found Ana Marie's quotes:

" is not happiness that makes us grateful, but the gratefulness that makes us happy"

It is so true for me that when I turn on the gratitude, I am happy, and the mood I am in is improved from whatever it was.

 And without gratitude, well, that days can be pretty sad..  That is great quote, and somedays it would serve as a great tool.  Why is it so easy to forget to be grateful?

I love the second one  "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others."- Marcus Cicero

Well, I am indeed grateful that I stopped by!!   I am very grateful that you are back Terry!!


Re: What Are You Grateful For
9/10/2007 8:30:58 PM
Thank you for the words of encouragement as my uncle by blood but brother, friend, and buddy served 2 terms in Vietnam of his choice to serve his country and came back safe but not sound. I grew up with this man of honor but came back a totally different man. After his parents, and siblings passed, I became his mother and POA as he could not care for himself. We stayed close all through the years. I'm telling you this because of a point. He was a sick gentle person although he became an alcoholic and was in his records that he came back as such. HE WAS MURDERED ON JULY 14, 2007 AND THEY CAN'T SEEM TO FIND THE KILLER. THERE WAS NO DRUGS OR ALCOHOL IN HIS SYSTEM. He was literally beat to death almost beyond recognition. It took me a while to come to term with this. I wanted to harm everyone that was around him at the time. I had to do some hard praying and seeking God and talking with my pastor and my loving church. I can now pray for the soul of whoever did this to him as if he or she does not ask forgiveness and come forward, they will go into eternal hell and I don't wish that on anyone. The VA has not once contacted me concerning his death to say "I'm sorry or is there anything I can do". I understand I was not his wife but they all knew I did everything for him. I was his health poa as well. I even received a letter from them the other day telling me they would pay a bill I had been fighting to get pd since 2005 and now they are going to pay it! I don't mean to go on and on but sometimes my therapist tells me it is my best source of therapy which I had to start after he was murdered. We were so close. He lived with me and my family for over 4 years and I looked after him for over 15 years. I am so thankful for the time I got tp spend with him and for God and my church family standing by me during this time.
Thank you just for listening. God Bless you and your family.
Terry Gorley

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Re: What Are You Grateful For
9/11/2007 2:35:27 PM

Dear Terry,

Thank you for coming to visit and sharing the story of your uncle with us.  Sometimes life can be so cruel.  I'm terribly sorry not only for your loss, but for your uncle's life and the senseless way in which it ended. 

Its such an important reason to be Grateful for what we have in the moment because it can quickly change or be lost.

Today, I am grateful to My Power Mall for finding another Special Needs Child to be helped.  Her name is Regan Hart and you can read about her here.  Regan's story is on the last page.  Our first Special Needs Child was Angel Marie Donner.  Her story is here too.

I am grateful to Ginny Dye for having a vision and sharing a percentage of Corporate profits to help One-Child-At-A-Time

I am grateful to all the members of MPM and to the Shoppers who make it all possible

I am grateful to have a healthy daughter and grandkids

I am forever grateful to you for enriching my life



How To Be 1 of 5 Million
Terry Gorley

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Re: What Are You Grateful For
9/13/2007 12:07:32 AM

I am grateful for days that are full of wonderful surprises!

I am forever grateful to you for enriching my life



How To Be 1 of 5 Million
Judy Smith

4550 Posts
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Re: What Are You Grateful For
9/13/2007 7:15:56 AM

I am grateful for today, for the beautiful weather, for all of Adland friends, and especially for firends like you, Terry, and Joe and so many others who have enriched my life with their support and love and mentoring and kindness!!

I am grateful to God for the healt and life he has given me!!

Have a terrific day!!

