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Terry Gorley

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How To Wake Up ... Live the Life You Love
3/18/2007 11:46:49 PM

Wake Up ... Live the Life You Love ... Finding Your Lifes Passion.

To get to "Living the Life YOU Love, you need to first "Wake Up" and "Find YOUR Life's Passion!"  You need to understand YOU, your wants and needs.  You need to know what your priorities are.  Begin by asking yourself, "What is MOST important to me?"

According to the dictionary the meaning of success is "a degree or measure of succeeding. Favorable or desired outcome; also the attainment of wealth, favor or eminence."  It is also "one that succeeds."

I daresay, the majority of people think of success in a monetary way.  I'm here to emphatically say success and the amount of money you earn do not necessarily go hand in hand.  Does earning more money make us more successful?  No, not necessarily!  To me, success is being happy with yourself and what you do ... whatever you do!

Do I believe money is important?  No, however, I do believe the freedom it provides is."

Success like life is what you make of it.  You don't need to be a movie star, sports hall of famer or rich to be successful.  All you need to be successful is to be passionate about what you do and do it!

I believe success can only be measured on an individual basis.  What is success to one may not be success to another.  Unfortunately, as a society, we often forget the uniqueness of success and judge it by money earned or the "big" things without understanding sometimes its the "little" things that makes a person successful.

Its taken me more than 50 years to learn those lessons, although more recently, each mile of my journey has been getting increasingly smoother.

Success ... getting there is half the fun ... the other half is time, committment, persistance and a large dose of patience.

Share your stories and thoughts on success


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Pauline Raina

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Re: How To Wake Up ... Live the Life You Love
3/19/2007 12:54:08 AM
Thank you Terry,
this is so well said, yes to me success is never about money, 'its the luxury of choosing  how you live, whom you love , doing what you like, and being who you are ' Whats so wonderful about this life is that you never stop growing, and a successful person is not the 'know all' person but the one who can humbly say 'theres still something i need to know'. I for one am very happy with who I am as I live my life on my terms, doing what I like even tho the monetary gains are not much,,,,but who cares ! :-)


Pauline R
Judy Smith

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Re: How To Wake Up ... Live the Life You Love
3/19/2007 8:57:12 AM

Hi Terry,

I love the way you have written this forum.  SUCCESS is one of those topics that has so many quotes by notables connected with it  - and you nailed it as an individual thing, which I believe it is. 

I totally agree with Pauline that success is having the freedom to live our lives the way we want, with whom we want.  It is for one as it is not for another and I, like the two of you,  do not necessarily connect success with monetary gain.  On the contrary, I have experienced much more success in my life in every area but monetary.  As I have grown so has the number of my successes.  As I continue to grow, I will most likely experience many more.  A

I have stumbled so many times on the way to where I am now, that I of think that -

Success is failure turned inside out!

Look forward to participating in yet another successful Terry Gorley forum!

Blessings, my friend and partner.




Lisa Simpkins

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Re: How To Wake Up ... Live the Life You Love
3/19/2007 9:56:13 AM

Hello Terry,

I really enjoyed this article I copy and pasted it so I can refer back to it later.

Please continue to write you are a excelant writer.Thank you for sharing and have a graet day.

To your success!


Terry Gorley

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Re: How To Wake Up ... Live the Life You Love
3/19/2007 1:50:25 PM
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Pauline, Judy & Lisa,

You three have made my day!  Thank you so much for visiting and posting your thoughts.  Your support means a great deal to me.

Smile & Have A Great Day



How To Be 1 of 5 Million