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The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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What is real?
3/6/2007 11:35:26 AM
What is real?

With all of the "evidence" being thrown our way from the religious & scientific communities........I'd like to propose a few simple questions for you to consider........

  • How real is this world?  
  • Have the "facts" been twisted somewhere along the line?
  • What is real?
  • What is merely my own PERCEPTION of reality?
  • How do I tell the difference?

Is what we've been taught throughout the years really true?

If so?........Can YOU prove it?

Have you ever played "The Telephone Game"?

I found something that will make all of you think.  It has sparked thoughts and ideas within myself that not only challenge my current thoughts/ideas about life.....but also provides an element of "reality" for me to ponder......

You will enjoy this........

Check out this thought-provoking video  ---------->  CLICK HERE

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Jill Bachman

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Re: What is real?
3/6/2007 3:15:50 PM

Hi Brian,

Something led me to your forum..........gee, I wonder if it was the title?  LOL

That video is encapsulates a pretty powerful message in 4 short minutes, and I love the short concise example of the water crystals.

I would be forever grateful if you could post this video on the Journey forum, and I will also post a link back to your forum here.

Yep.......our thoughts sure do create our reality!  Think so?  I think so!  :-)

Bless you,  Jill

Nick Sym

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Re: What is real?
3/6/2007 3:45:06 PM

Hi Brian,

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Jenny SJ

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Re: What is real?
3/6/2007 5:35:48 PM

Hello Brian,

Having no  email today,  I was looking at back posts on the Adlander and found your forum. 

Wow, that is quite some video!  It raises some very interesting concepts.  What we know is constantly changing as new discoveries are made.  Current beliefs are generally based on our explanations of what has been discovered so far.  But we used to think that the world was flat and now evidence has shown that it is far from being flat.  

I wonder what we will believe in 100 years time?  Or even next year?  There is a lot out there still to be explained.





The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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Re: What is real?
3/7/2007 12:37:00 AM
Hi Jill!  :-)

I'm so glad that you enjoyed the short clip!  Once I saw this video.....I was compelled to share it! 

For those who watched the clip my friends may remember the featured expieriment from the movie "What The Bleep Do We (k)now?"

A Japanese scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto, conducts an amazing expieriment on water.....  Revelating and thought provoking to say the least!

Could we as humans be causing our own cancer by our own negative thought patterns?

Watch the decide. 

*Should you desire to view the segment directly from "What The Bleep Do We (k)now?"
- I have it posted on my MySpace profile.

You can watch that --------->  HERE

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!
