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Sharon Lee

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Re: The supreme quality for leadership is ...
2/21/2007 10:55:35 AM

Integrity,, Yes. Sometimes we steer away from this. So appropriate for today. Thank you Bogdan.

Peace, Sharon

Neil Reinhardt

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Re: The supreme quality for leadership is ...
2/21/2007 2:03:15 PM
Hi Bogdan, One of the best quotes ever and I can think of no higher quality than integrity. While having it can get you in trouble, it is still the thing to have and live a life of. --------- Sorry Mary, I must disagree with you. In a perfect world, those who do wrong would really suffer for it. Some evil doers die of natrual causes at a younger age & others of old age. And while religious people like to believe some make-believe god (or gods) somehow causes them some sort punishment after death, there is absolutely NO proof what-so-ever they do. Please, Take Care! Neil One of the worlds more than 1.3 Billion Atheists.
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Re: The supreme quality for leadership is ...
2/21/2007 2:19:46 PM

Hi Bogdan,

For a long time, I did not drop by to ink my presence. Just to let you know I read all posting of your letter to my main email inbox.

Have a wonderful day. We are still in the best of Festival mood. Happy and Prosperous Lunar New Year to all.


Thanks for the Forum. Nice to see you again Philip Low c.m.o. My Cabby Career
Thomas Richmond

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Re: The supreme quality for leadership is ...
2/21/2007 2:44:18 PM
Hey There Buddy, thanks for the saying! hers one for ya' " The Man of intregrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out." Prov. 10:9 King Soloman. Son to King David.
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: The supreme quality for leadership is ...
2/21/2007 3:46:41 PM
People with integrity gain a lifetime huge audience even if they say very little. 

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