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Dave Cottrell

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50 years and nothing has changed...
1/28/2007 3:52:05 AM
Hi everyone, Many thanks to Philena Rush for sending me the following link. Pop over and watch the video. It will blow your mind and likely sadden you to see how little has changed in 50 years: Kiri's Video Make sure to invite Philena to be your friend if you haven't yet. She's going places and is a terrific and beautiful lady. God bless, Dave
Neil Reinhardt

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Re: 50 years and nothing has changed...
1/28/2007 4:22:24 AM
Anyone who says nothing has changed in fifty years was either not alive and old enough to know what was going 50 years or they are a liar!
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Bogdan Wrzesinski

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Re: 50 years and nothing has changed...
1/28/2007 4:43:50 AM



Thanks, Philena Rush is my Friend, ... special and beautiful lady... appreciate the links, be back.

God Bless,

Re: 50 years and nothing has changed...
1/28/2007 5:12:39 AM


WOW ! 50 years......thank God for memory and our ability to still strive to live in peace with each other.

Joe Buccheri

Mary Hofstetter

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Re: 50 years and nothing has changed...
1/28/2007 6:34:02 AM
David, When I first read "50 years and nothing has changed" the topic seemed to be wrong. The interviews with the teens was interesting but still did not change my view as I just counted it off as their perception. But the re-inacted study of choosing a doll was an eye opener. My heart broke when I heard the questioon "Which doll is good, which doll is bad". When the child was asked why the doll was bad and he responded with "Because it is black", I saw the meaning of 50 years and nothing has changed. If you know the statistics of peneal institutions you know the majority of the incarcerated are black. If they perceived themselves as bad that is what they became. "We are what we think we are, not what others think we are nor what we think, others think we think we are". don't know who said that but it rings true. Either Homer or Iliad, said "Know thyself"---Georgios will know who said that.