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Sheryl Loch

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Re: Fip Flop--Is it summer or winter???
1/25/2007 11:37:51 PM

T-shirts, shorts, & flip flops today!!!!!!

I'm going over to your Arts & Craft Show!!!!

Have a wonderful day,


J. Norman

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Re: Fip Flop--Is it summer or winter???
1/26/2007 1:58:38 PM

Hi Mary,

Thanks for this post.

I am in a part of South America, which is in the Northern Hemisphere:

Paramaribo, Suriname. Temperature: 30 degrees Celcius. Since december it's been raining "cats & dogs". It is the rainy season.

In my language (dutch) we call this dirty weather.

Luckily, we do have sunny weather and clear blue skies often enough.

Take care,

Jerrel Bodeutsch


Collette Johnson

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Re: Fip Flop--Is it summer or winter???
1/29/2007 7:12:34 AM

Yes Mary,

I believe that Ohio is getting a late winter. I just hope it isnt snowing in May this year.

I noticed during the warm spell that my tulips and iris were already comming up. The same with my herbs. So I went out just before the freeze warning and put a bag of mulch over each bed.

I sure hope it helped as  I spent 2 - 8 hr days last fall getting all my bulbs dug up and seperated so I would have wonderful color this spring. Well guess only time will tell.

Good luck to all you fellow gardeners. I would appreciate any hints on natural pest control. I have many birds that visit my yard and do not want to use any chemicals. I now have several families of wooly woodpeckers, finches, doves, bluejay and cardinals visiting and just got a family of blue birds that moved in last fall.


Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Fip Flop--Is it summer or winter???
1/30/2007 10:15:31 AM

Hi Mary,

Right now it's really really cold in West Michigan, you probably have some idea about that, Ohio isn't far away!  There were 3 water-main breaks here on the north side of GR last Friday so everyone for a couple miles around had to boil our water for several days! 

Now for some good summer news!  Our son will be graduating high school at the end of May, we're going to have a big barbecue party for him and lots of friends, relatives and neighbors.  Hopefully we can get a new fence by then, our neighbor offered to pay for half because she has 3 huge scary dogs and right now the fence is ONLY 4 feet high and chain-link, just seeing them is scary! 

We're getting a roof soon, a NEW roof, we already have one of course...LOL!  The roofer has colored shingles so I can get a red roof, my favorite color, a Wed Woof!  WOW!  Our old one is probably 35 yrs old, there are 3 layers of shingles up there, the original wood shaker shingles are the first layer, our house is over 100 yrs old, yes I can tell!  Unfortunately the roofers are going to remove all birds nests and other varmints homes that are up there in the eaves, I think they're cute but they cause damage.  Squirrels chewed a one-foot diamter hole in our roof and the rain came in last summer and caused water to an interior wall that we had just wallpapered a few months previously.  But I STILL love the squirrels!  I throw food out there for them, that's why the neighbors dogs always go crazy, ah summer!!

Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Fip Flop--Is it summer or winter???
2/2/2007 9:19:39 PM

There's a celebration going on right now in Israel.  Come join in giving praise for the boundy of the land.
