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Mary Hofstetter

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Gardens Down Under
1/25/2007 4:06:09 AM

Hello Gardening Friends, The southern hemisphere is enjoying their summer season and we would like you to share your experiences. As I sit beside my house plants, longing for the snow to melt and my shovel to begin digging in the yard, it comes to mind that in another part of the world someone is enjoying the mysteries of a beautiful garden. Please share your experiences with us. We would love to hear stories of wonder and beauty.

I love green


Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Gardens Down Under
1/25/2007 6:30:30 PM


I am so lucky in that I have spent half a lifetime designing and building gardens for folk in the UK.

I have a load of stories which I intend to share as soon as I can.

Roger, from a snowy, frosty England.

5 days ago 10 degrees, tonight -4 degrees and 10 again by the weekend. Weather patterns are mad.

Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Gardens Down Under
1/25/2007 6:50:31 PM
Hi Roger, I just knew you would show up for this event. But where are our Aussie friends??? Hey you down in the southern hemisphere, oh I know where you are, out in the garden. Oh silly me, of course, you are out enjoying the sunshine.
John Leal

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Re: Gardens Down Under
1/25/2007 10:42:57 PM
Hi Mary Gardens Down Under? We don't have time for gardens, we're too busy surfing and fishing, or lying on the beach. Eat your heart out... ha ha ha! Seriously, I live on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland in an over 50's (well over in my case) village near the beach which has 40 resort-style homes each with their own small backyard. I've taken out what lawn we had, which struggled under the shade trees, and replaced it with river stones and potted plants. My little back patio under the palms is tailor-made for drinking beer on a hot day. Sundays are "fish and chips on the beach" days. Okay, back to the gardens. Further inland from the coast the acreage properties consist of rolling hills and huge maintainance-free gardens with swimming pools and covered BBQ entertainment areas. Tropical shrubs such as Bouganvilleas are grown extensively which can have red, orange or purple flowers. The Poinciana is a large shade tree which grows like a huge umbrella with red, yellow or purple flowers in summer. Commercially grown Pecan nut trees also cover the surrounding hills and catch the eye with their distinctive shades of green. I hope this gives you some idea of the gardens in our part of Australia. My wife has informed me that it's now "happy hour" or "beer o'clock" which means it's time for a glass of wine and a beer out the back. Such is life!
Re: Gardens Down Under
1/25/2007 11:38:16 PM

I'm here at the computer with the fan on, not out in that blazing hot ozzie summer.

Some plants look as if they're going to expire any minute and others are bearing up. I water after dinner when it's cooler and when the plants are more receptive.

I have to go out soon to a blazing hot meeting!

So, Mary dear, you are welcome to our blazing Oz summer anytime. By the way if anyone has a drop of rain to spare...




M. Houghton