
Who is John Russum?

John Russum

John Russum
BirthdayFriday, February 08, 1957
Member SinceFriday, January 17, 2003
Last ActivityWednesday, November 04, 2009
LocationLufkin, Texas, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

I am a Chef by trade but opportunity in my field has not knocked on my door and since I moved to East Texas in 2001. I have been learning how to use this computer for the past few years, and now I think I'm ready to try making a living on the WWW. I have been reserching a number of programs both low cost and FREE opportunities and I have 2 (two) opportunities I would like to share with everyone, and don't feel you have to try either of them but I promise you this is the most promising Business opportunity that is self replicatng and all you have to do is drive traffic to it by any means, conventional or unconventional advertising, just get the word out to anyone and everyone that you come in contact with and watch the fun and profits come your way.


                                                                    Here's to great things to come,



 I am personally doing these programs on what I call a broken shoestring budget meaning I can't afford to spend more than $30.00 bucks a month, and as of today I am a silver member of both of these programs which will cost me $22.95 a month although my initial investment cost me a whopping $32.95 that's because the newnetmail has a first time set up fee of $10.00 + the first months payment of $12.95 and the really great part about these programs is the spillover you will get from your sponsors, my sponsor has already put 6 people in my downline due to spillover to my zero count so that means I ain't done nothing yet to build my downline and I already have 6 people in it for doing nothing more than signing up. I don't know about you, but I think thats a pretty good start for something thats so cheap. I have recently started a downline club, if interested please view the information at the bottom of this link 

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Joelees Wholesale - (8/21/2007 10:15:37 AM) : Hi John,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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