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Re: Hey, What Ya Doin Here Anyway
1/2/2007 3:23:50 PM
Hi Mary, I came to AdlandPro for the free advertising and to become an affiliate. Then I got involved with the Community and the forums and realized how little I knew about what I was trying to do! So I figured I'd better stay and learn from all the more advanced people here (and there is a lot of knowledge to be had in some of these forums!). I also enjoy the 'fun' forums as I usually need a good laugh. I'm staying here because I can continue to learn here. I'm a slow bloomer and so far have been pretty unsuccessful at making any money, partly due to my 19th century computer, partly because I can't invest any money, and partly due to my health. For me, though, the learning process and the interactivity keeps my two brain cells firing at the same time and as my friends say 'keeps me out of the bars' LOLOL
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Hey, What Ya Doin Here Anyway
1/2/2007 3:41:50 PM
Hi Lorraine, Learn, safe place to hang out, stimulaltion and a little humor to lighten life's burdens: gottcha!!! I can identify with that.
Re: Hey, What Ya Doin Here Anyway
1/2/2007 8:11:04 PM

Hi Mary,

What am I doing here? I came to advertise. Had no idea what I was getting into and almost turned and ran. I thought it was somewhere I was just going to advertise what I was into at the time but it seemed that was what everyone else had in mind also.

I did run for a year but came back and found some forums that I could learn from. I stay away from the "post your business here" forums except for your craft bazaars.

Everyone talks about AdlandPro's affiliate program. I joined many, many years ago and have a link from my website but haven't done a thing with it forever. I just took a look at the affiliate program and see that it has changed drastically since I first joined. Guess I better get with the program.

I never promoted it except for the link on my website because it doesn't have anything to do with my topic. It would be better for a business site, I would think. If I am wrong, enlighten me.


Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Hey, What Ya Doin Here Anyway
1/2/2007 8:42:39 PM
John, I will make note of that, some stay to annoy us. Now go do something for that headache, tell your wife to go shopping and buy herself something special.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Hey, What Ya Doin Here Anyway
1/2/2007 8:44:54 PM
Hi Martha, ok, got you down for learning and limited posting. Wishing you well with the affiliate program as I am trying it too.

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