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Peter Fogel

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Re: A Tribute to My Father !!!
2/24/2008 10:50:34 AM

Hey Pauline,

Good to see you back in the fold.

Memories are great and are all the more sweeter when they are about a loved one. Your Dad was a very special person and will always live on with you in your heart.

Take heart my friend and one day at a time. The loss will forever be a loss but the memories will stay with you forever.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Re: Dance with my father again !
2/24/2008 11:01:22 AM
Hello Pauline,you are a very fortunate daughter. In today's materialistic world,human relationship,without strings has become a very scarce commodity.Every thing is measured in terms of money and other materialistic gains. With this can we expect a better world.
Geketa Holman

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Re: Dance with my father again !
2/24/2008 11:08:49 AM
Hi Pauline,
HUGS my sweet friend. You are very fortune to have had such a wonderful father. Knowing a fathers love is very special I am sure . My heart and prayers are with you as always. Time is the greatest healer and love is something no one nor anything can ever take away.

Blessings sweetie  I love you dearly,


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Dance with my father again !
2/24/2008 11:20:15 AM
Hello Pauline :-)

So good to see you again. Memories are the ones Eternally Loyal always staying by us.

Somehow, I didn't saw this thread before and reading your main post my eyes were with tears. I can understand you so well! Dancing is one of my favorite and dancing with my father, exquisite! Now he is ill with his heart, even if he always says he as good as new, and I know a dance would be too much for him! Though, I thank God every day he taught me to dance and that we still can do some steps though!

These are memories that never dies and they are always there, warming and leaning you!

Hope this will lean you one more!


With lots of friendship and simpathy,
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Dance with my father again !
2/24/2008 12:41:52 PM
Hello Pauline!

I am glad to see you back and happy to hear that you day by day realize that life goes on. We are all in same path and we must respect the circles of the nature and what our Creator planned.

You do right to go back in memories, to take with you all good things from all knowledge your Father bore and gave to you by portions or by teaching you.This experience is tradition and that our elders brought with them from their fathers and mothers.

As long as we stay close to our tradition we will  easier understand what life is and why we live to fulfill our purpose.

Keep your father in mind so do I with mine who left us Christmas Day 24 years ago. 15 days ago it was my son's names' day. First thing to do was to offer some minutes to remember my father who should also have his name's day if he lived.

"When somebody whants you well he makes you cry"
expression my fatehr used to say to me whne I was young.

Keep you Father in mind and he will with affection make a place for you close to him when that time comes. Now make the best of your life. support your family as they must do to you and join your friends to make your days nice and without any pain. You have a great family. You all together and we, your real friends will encourage you and stay close to you.

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