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Article: Holiday Sales and the Leaky Boat
10/18/2006 12:25:35 PM

"Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat,
energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive
than energy devoted to patching leaks."
Warren Buffet

Online Holiday sales in 2005 exceeded 19 billion.  Do you know how much money that is?  That's nineteen (19) stacks of thousand dollar bills stretching into the sky twice the height of the Empire State building.

Stacks of thousand dollar bills. Over 3,000 feet high. Spent online.
Just in November and December last year.

What's even more amazing than trying to visualize that much money exchanging hands in sixty days flat is that small businesses scooped almost half of it. Just over 45% of those billions in sales went to small businesses.

According to Forrester Research, small businesses are doing so well for two reasons; the ease in finding small merchants via search engines and "consumers who are fussier than ever."

In just a few weeks, it will start again.
We are mere weeks away from the holiday spending frenzy.

This article is short and to the point.
I ask you this? How's your boat?



Kathy Kanouse

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Re: Article: Holiday Sales and the Leaky Boat
10/18/2006 12:29:47 PM
Welcome Back Linda.
Thanks Linda & right to the point. I hope this year my boat will float & not sink, just as I wish the same for everyone here. I thinkmy web site is ready for the holidays but I could be wrong.
God Bless YOU
Lets all float our boats together.
Kathy C
Re: Article: Holiday Sales and the Leaky Boat
10/18/2006 1:04:42 PM
Hi Linda,

Good to hear from you.  Time just flys by -- Xmas is not that far away!

Yes, $19 Billion is unfathomable, that's *$52 million a day* rounded to the nearest million, if my calculations are correct!

I think we may be all in leaking boats (Internet Marketers, that is) as small businesses and merchants on the internet continue to grow exponentially, but the jury is out as to whether the growth in demand is keeping pace.

It appears to me that most of the website traffic I get now-a-days is "sellers trying to sell to sellers."

The stats show that great numbers of people are comfortable researching products and services online, but it seems that they still feel more comfortable purchasing them offline!

I do believe that consumers still distrust buying on the internet...

Cheers, Norm
Norman Ross, CPA Home Based Business - how to become a Master Web Marketer! <>
Re: Article: Holiday Sales and the Leaky Boat
10/18/2006 1:17:56 PM

Hey Norm!

Good to hear from you...

The stats show that great numbers of people are comfortable researching products and services online, but it seems that they still feel more comfortable purchasing them offline!

I do believe that consumers still distrust buying on the internet...

I don't know...  I'd say 52 million every day (2.16 million spent per hour) shows people are quite comfortable buying online. lol

There are 3 companies that employ me as their "marketing department." I do all their website updates, email marketing, site promotion, etc. One of them (just as an example) has been increasing 20% - 25% per month for a year steady. Even during the 'slow' summer season.

Last year, we did over $100K per month over the christmas season on that one site. (That doesn't include my other clients) If I can keep the growth going, we'll do a quarter million just over Christmas. I have my toes crossed - fingers are too busy planning already. lol

Thing is, many people are quick to say 'people just aren't buying...'
They ARE buying. Like crazy they're buying. But it's hard to see that from a leaky boat. And there's a LOT of leaky boats.

: )


Re: Article: Holiday Sales and the Leaky Boat
10/18/2006 3:51:07 PM

*Run in, yoink, giggle, run out*

THANKS LINDAAAAA!  Good to see ya back!

