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Sheryl Loch

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Re: Bellybuttons
10/2/2006 2:03:28 PM


This is one of my favorite spots on every child - The Bellybutton!!!

I always explain to little ones that you have to have a bellybutton to help prove that you are not an alien!  If you tickle an aliens bellybutton they do not giggle, so I have to test it out to see if you are a real person. If you zerbert (raspberry) an aliens bellybutton they don't squeal & snort. Bellybuttons are also homes for "Dust Bunnies", the best way to get them out is with a spray bottle. Yes you may have to chase the child around to get them but, with enough time, patience, & water you can get them. As I was a bartender for years & found that adults use Tequila to get them out. A shot of this in the bellybutton seems to cause quite a stir!!!!!!

Well there's some of my thoughts on bellybuttons!!!

Have a great day,


Re: Bellybuttons
10/2/2006 3:41:55 PM

Nick, you have given me more info than I care to know!  (Please, do not take this as an insult.)

Since it appears that your forums do not worry with that joy-killer, political correctness, I will offer more info on the umbilicus than some people may care to know. 

Some years ago, B.P.C. (before political correctness), I learned that in the Deep South of the U.S., the belly button may have another name.  For instance, when a child points to his or her navel, and asks, "Mom, what's this?"  Then, Mom might answer, "That's your yankee-shot."  An alternative is, "That's where a yankee shot you."  (I think that I will leave it at this.  I do not want to start a re-fight of the Civil War.)


Nick Sym

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Re: Bellybuttons
10/2/2006 5:31:25 PM

Hi Robert:

It is funny how we neglect the small thing in life eh!

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Nick Sym

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Re: Bellybuttons
10/2/2006 5:53:56 PM

Hi Kathleen:

If you don't post something interesting then your not going to get readers. When it is a subject with "TMI" it makes it more captivating and the article will be fully read - Peace and Love always Kath!

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Deborah Skovron

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Re: Bellybuttons
10/2/2006 7:05:18 PM

Hi Nick,

     Ok, ok this was all very interesting. But the question everyone is waiting to hear an answer to is are you an innie or an outie, Nick? LOL

   Just kidding.

Your Good Friend


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