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9/2/2006 10:13:18 AM

Hi Mike:

You certainly have opened the eyes of many with what you decided to share.

I am also inspired with your ability to see that not all are rotten to the core and have a kind and gentle matter how well it may be hidden from the rest of mankind. Like you, I too am a Catholic. However, I am a convert. I was raised by my mothers side of family who were " Hebrew " until I was 14 and then my father decided it was time to introduce me my catholic friends. I remember the day I first attended a Catholic Mass. I also remember that first time in the confessional , where at 14 years of age. I told the priest that I was concerned about the way mankind treated each other and that it had to change before we destroyed the planet and ourselves. What I got was the reply, " you are here for the salvation of your own soul. Do not concern your self with such thoughts. " This is when I asked, " if that's true, then why are you a priest ? "

As I read over your profile I understand that I have met another caring soul that not only seeks the turth; he wont back down from realizing that quest.

In His Service,

Joe Buccheri

The Great American Music Machine

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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9/2/2006 11:30:22 AM
Hello Michael,

Thank you for sharing your bio.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading as you have a wonderful gift of putting words to print, yet I was also saddened and emphasied with you on many levels.

Our respective growing up through childhood into adulthood is not without its pitfalls,but how each person develops and grow through all the knocks, bumps and hurts that life, throws at us and how we deal and mature through them. Our personal relationship with the Lord Jesus and not any religion.

Kind regards
Amanda Martin-Shaver
Joyce Parker Hyde

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9/2/2006 11:32:52 AM
Marilyn, you have made a very excellent choice!
This guy has me in tears laughing at his dry/on point commentary about stuff that should be obvious but more often is not-as he has so eloquently shown in his bio.

Congrats Michael, keep us laughing and looking at the truth. We need you and love you.
9/2/2006 1:25:14 PM
What a breath of fresh air you are Michael. You are truly an example of a shining star. There is such sadness in the abuse of children by someone that has been put in their lives to guide them. You have definitely walked through the fire and come out of the coals a wonderful loving person. Haven't times changed?  When you were young they would not believe that a man who professed to love God could possibly do the things you accused him of.  Now days no one will believe that he didn't.  I stayed far away from the Catholic religion as a child.  The saddest part is that it happens in all religions.  These men who lead are mere humans and are therefore sinners. These kind of people caused me to step away from the church but it caused me to draw closer to God.  I have alot of respect for you Michael because it took alot of courage to share your story with this community.  I definitely would like to be on your friends list and if there is ever some way that I can help you please ask.

Elizabeth Otto
"There is a law in psychology that if you form a picture in your mind of what you would like to be, and you keep and hold that picture there long enough, you will soon become exactly as you have been thinking." William James 1842-1910, Psycho