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Why You Have To Advertise Over and Over
8/14/2006 5:09:09 PM
Hello Friends, Have you ever run a one time ad and then wondered why you didn't get much response? Advertising and marketing almost always takes repeated use to work properly. Once in a while you will get a product or service that sells with the first ad, but most take time to sink in with customers. There's an old newspaperman's joke that dates back more than 100 years that illustrates how ads work. 1. The first time a man looks at an ad, he doesn't see it. 2. The second time, he doesn't notice it. 3. The third time, he is conscious of its existence. 4. The fourth time, he faintly remembers having seen it. The joke continues on until the sixteenth time has him thinking he'll buy some day and the twentieth time he sees the ad he asks his wife to go out and buy the product. So get into it a few advertising places I use is Also here at Adlandpro! There are some Advertising resources some of our Adland friends use at this forum. HOW TO....Add your program,biz or resources. Thanks for your time Leanne Busby Sign up for free newsletter tips and tricks for networking at home!
Tina Sallis

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Re: Why You Have To Advertise Over and Over
8/15/2006 4:35:01 AM

Hi Leanne,

Thanks for the links, will try them out.

Kind regards,


Kathy Kanouse

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Re: Why You Have To Advertise Over and Over
8/16/2006 11:08:44 AM
Thanks for the links Leanne. You are always so helpful to those of us whom are still learning. Great job.
Re: Why You Have To Advertise Over and Over
8/16/2006 5:38:10 PM
Hi Kathy, My always faithfull poster,thanks for checking it out,hope your having a good day. Thanks also to Tina! Leanne Busby
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Why You Have To Advertise Over and Over
8/16/2006 5:41:20 PM
Hello Leanne, Thanks for your post, this reminds me of something Helen posted in one of my forums, she said do you know why we call 409, 409???? because it took 408 to get to that point now we have 409!!!! hope this fits in with your topic????great post as always,your great!!!kathy/
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