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Dee Winder

96 Posts
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Re: Artshow please contribute and enjoy
8/8/2006 9:04:05 PM
       I don't think this worked.
Kim Flintoff

9 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Artshow please contribute and enjoy
8/9/2006 11:27:52 PM

Hi Neil,

I used to say that same thing "wish I could..", "wish I had.." - eventually it dawned on me that pretty much anyone can draw- its really just a training process - learning to see differently is the first step... 

I found Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards to be an incredibly useful book - at the outset I could barely manage a passable sick figure - 3 weeks later I produced the charcoal drawing I posted in this forum... after that I thought differently about things - began to be reminded of just how many limitations are self-imposed.

It's a very liberating insight to develop - doesn't solve all your problems - just lets you look at things in ways that might generate solutions you hadn't previously considered.

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain also comes as a workbook and there's a video available too.  If you really do WISH you had some ability in this area - don't keeping wishing (it's a waste of energy) just make the commitment to learn and then do it... 



Kim Flintoff (Domain names from $1.99*)