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Dave Cottrell

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How Did the US Fire a Missile from North Korea?
7/6/2006 4:14:06 AM
Greetings, my friends, Did that headline grab anyone's attention? I hope so! Now, why would I put up such a headline? It's really very simple. I wanted to get a jump on all the reporters and news companies who are about to do all they can to make the world certain that the US is somehow behind the test-firing of the missiles that North Korea just sent up. Frankly, I've just about had it up to here with the way the world seems to be pouncing on the US these days. The incredible amount of misinformation available is astonishing! Someone recently even posted on one of my forums that if the US was gone, there would be NO wars! Ludicrous! Now that North Korea has fired the missiles, what are we going to hear? Just the day before, while Western Allies, including the US, were warning the world about the potential consequences of North Korea having Nuclear weapons and the ability to deliver the warheads to North American soil (or Europe, for that matter), many people scoffed, saying that the US was simply scaremongering and that North Korea would NEVER fire the missiles - that it was simply a bluff - that that country couldn't possibly AFFORD that kind of technology. Well, guess what? They were all wrong. The North Korean government would rather starve its own citizens while it spends its money on arms. It wants to be a superpower and will stop at nothing to get there. "Running the closest thing to George Orwell's 1984 Big Brother slave camp, Kim Jong-il had no compunction letting 2 million of his people die of starvation rather than concede he was on the wrong side of history. When Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said a missile test would be a provocative act that would deepen its isolation, it is hard to imagine North Korea being more isolated. Angered over the U.S. Treasury's crackdown on its counterfeiting millions in near-perfect $100 bills, Pyongyang abandoned six-country negotiations last fall. " The fact that North Korea's new ICBM was an abysmal failure is a good thing, but should not be taken by the world as proof that the country is not a threat to be taken seriously. The fact is, they WANTED it to work. The fact that it didn't is moot. What amazes me at this time is the number of people, both in other Western nations around the world, and right in the United States, who constantly and vehemently attack the policies of the government of the United States, while saying little or nothing about North Korea or Iran, both of whom have openly threatened to fire nuclear weapons at other countries, and both of whom have the capabilities and resources to carry out their threats very soon. People need to wake up and realize that there really are people in the world mad enough to start a nuclear war, who need to be stopped before they start! People have to realize that YOU DO NOT WAIT for a nuclear war to start. Once it starts, it's too late. No matter who wins, everybody on the planet loses. Perhaps most people would like to gamble that it will never happen. Personally, I don't like the odds against it happening. If someone doesn't do something soon to stop it, it WILL happen. We can try negotiation. We can try diplomacy. Perhaps we can convince North Korea to fall in love with the rest of the world. Perhaps we can convince Iran to fall in love with Israel. Anyone have any ideas HOW? God bless, Dave
Re: How Did the US Fire a Missile from North Korea?
7/6/2006 7:05:24 AM
Hi Dave :) Its 9:49pm here Thursday, and on our upcoming news at 10:30pm North Korea plans to release more missiles! ARE THEY MAD!!! we certainly havent heard that the US is behind it here, only against it, like everyone else. If the first one had been successful it could of reached Australia. CRAZY!!!
Re: How Did the US Fire a Missile from North Korea?
7/6/2006 10:11:29 AM
Hello Dave, thanks to the invite and for asking what people think. Here's the way I've been seeing and thinking about goverments !!! The majority if not all of governments... Would rather starve its own citizens while it spends its money on arms. Also, wants to be a superpower and will stop at nothing to get there. *THEY ARE ALL MAD !!! Speak out & pass it on! Broadcast Decency United Voice Against CHILD ABUSE
Len Berghoef

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Re: How Did the US Fire a Missile from North Korea?
7/6/2006 10:27:04 AM
Hi Dave, I agree with everything you said in this post, and thank you for it. I don't understand why so many people attack the policies of the United States either. A lot of that is because people believe the liberal media. The things our liberal democrates say doesn't help either. They only want to get back into power no matter what the cost. The United Nations is a joke so what they do or say will mean little. I believe that China knew that N. Korea was going fire off missles... 7 and counting. The U.S. and other countries have to get tough with China, because N.Korea listens to China they have to because that is where they get most of their food and neccesites. If China doesn't do anything other than provide lip service then we should stop buying Chinese goods. That will send a strong message to China. If diplomacy doesn't work than we will have to act militarily. Japan or the U.S. should send a missle to wipe out N. Korean missle installations and also do the same to Iran. Sanctions will not work against Iran either. They are being lead by a man with a terroist mentality. As Christians we need to pray for guidance for our government leaders. To act wisely in these dangerous times. Best regards, Leonard
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Jenny SJ

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Re: How Did the US Fire a Missile from North Korea?
7/6/2006 11:15:21 AM
Hi Dave We are hearing something new every hour on the missiles fired from Korea. But one thing that I dont believe that anyone is saying in Europe is that the US Governement are behind it. I know that many people here are praying that the US. Government reacts in perspective and does not turn this very serious threat into a panic situation. And Florence - you have said it all "The majority if not all of governments... Would rather starve its own citizens while it spends its money on arms. Also, wants to be a superpower and will stop at nothing to get there." Take care all, and let us hope tht the next hours and days see the situation improving. Jenny