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Real Traffic - How Real is REAL?
7/5/2006 7:11:34 AM
You could have come across this offer that says, "10,000 traffic for your website for $.$$!" Not offending those traffic gate--ways, it came across my mind how these offers could promise you so much but in the end, deliver so little. In reality, the only way to get visitors to your website is to get them to click on your website. If there is no visitors, your site is just a site. When you are eager to gain traffic, I'm sure you'll consider such traffic gate-ways that promise to deliver thousand of visitors to your website. How do you think they can do that? To create a thousand leads can cost you some times, and yet they can deliver 10,000 or 100,000 thousands of visitors to your website in a flash!!!! Read online tutorials: (I take adlandpro as an example for REAL traffic).
Re: Real Traffic - How Real is REAL?
7/5/2006 10:31:02 AM
Hi There, Thanks for the information. I could add that one can also find real traffic by signing up for free to the following: Turbogdi, the umbrella for many super Traffic Hit generators. When you signup with TurboGDI you have access to a whole world of traffic free. This helps especially if you signup to GDI which gives mega traffic to your site. Regards, ------------------------------------
James Max

711 Posts
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Re: Real Traffic - How Real is REAL?
7/5/2006 4:02:39 PM
Hey Marzlan, In life you get what you pay for - or work for!! Having said that, there are FREE Traffic Portals that offer you Traffic as a way to get you to join and upgrade or buy some later. Here are two: There are also Traffic Exchanges that send you email messages and give you Credits for Clicking. Here is one that gives you 200 credits per click: And Then, There Is ProfitMesaging That Gives You The Entire Enchilada: Text, Email, Website, Banner, Instant Messaging and Blog Ads For FREE for just adding members to your Buddy List or clicking on ads!!
Free Monetize Adsense Niche Blogs For Affiliate Marketing -
The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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Re: Real Traffic - How Real is REAL?
7/6/2006 12:16:19 PM
Hi Marzlan! Thanks for the invite! Traffic is the coveted thing that most online marketers do almost anything to get. One thing that I would like to bring up is the quality of traffic you may get from free traffic. Although it isn't always true that Free traffic is no do get what you pay for in the end. It would stand to reason that free traffic exchanges and the like, atrract "opportunist" type thinkers instead of "entrepenuers." "Opportunist" thinkers are program hoppers....jumping into every new - flavor of the month - hot buzz product - and program that they believe will net them a fortune within 30 days. Although I do believe in more than one stream of's the "entrepenuers" that I am looking for. The people who will build a business....and not sign up and bail out after the first month. Just my 2 cents..............
~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Re :Real Traffic - How Real is REAL?
7/6/2006 12:52:25 PM

Hello Marzlan and Everybody with the great ideas,

Thank you.  I will check out and use as many as I can.




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