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My Input On MySpace Being Sued ...
6/22/2006 2:51:15 AM
Hello all, I just completed a post on my blog about this lawsuit and my views of the overall picture from it. Please read what I had to say and please feel free to leave comments of your own on the blog. Thank you. __________ Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz Sponsor of the ABA Basketball 'Streetball' group "Nothing But Net Entertainment" New! Bizzy Blogz Community - like MySpace An Advertising Traffic Machine
Re: My Input On MySpace Being Sued ...
6/22/2006 4:08:49 AM
Good morning Kenneth I read your posting, and your Blog article, about,"Do kids have enough awareness, and/ or, sense of responsibility to be allowed into a social network?" At the risk of sounding, unashamedly, old fashioned; my opinion is that they do not! I have to say that I agree with your point about "What the he**l are their parents thinking about in allowing them, apparently, to have unsupervised access to a social network that can, and does, hide a whole passel of ill intentioned people. The majority of Kids are just not socially "savvy" enough to spot these pervs, at such a tender age. Any parent, that allows this to happen, has to look long and hard at their parenting skills! All parents know that "pester power" is an extremely powerful, metaphorical, arrow in the quiver of every child; and, boy, do they know how to use it! For irresponsible parents, the easy way out is to let the children have their own way: however, it is simply an abrogation of their parental responsibilities to do that! It's then that the lunatics take control of the madhouse, and we turn out children who are not trained in their own future roles, as responsible, and accountable, members of a civilized society!! Am I "Old fashioned?" YES I AM!! And I'm, unashamedly, proud of it! Best Ian McKay
"Life's what happens to you, while YOU'RE busy making other plans!" (JWL)
Re: My Input On MySpace Being Sued ...
6/22/2006 4:53:40 AM
Bravo, Ian. Bravo! I wish to add that this also points to the uncivilized side we are seeing today of our youth. No parental supervision. The screams I hear from parents today 'they need to learn' have a hollow meaning. The parents have forgotten that the right answers and training need to be available and taught BEFORE they let them learn. Like an infant learning to walk for the first time, they need to be held and supervised over and over again until they get it and THEN you start letting go a little at a time, not all at once. This same principle applies to all aspects of the child's life until they are on their own and assume full responsibility of their life. Without supervision, a teen becomes a wild animal and shows no concious to their actions. Without accountability and circumstances for their actions the teen will feel anything is ok to do or say and no penalities to face. It's not until they are adults that, IF they get caught, they will find a penalty for the inappropriate behavior and then they don't understand why. They don't understand because they were never taught properly. It all boils down to "You reap what you sow". __________ Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz Sponsor of the ABA Basketball 'Streetball' group "Nothing But Net Entertainment" New! Bizzy Blogz Community - like MySpace An Advertising Traffic Machine
Re: My Input On MySpace Being Sued ...
6/22/2006 5:06:24 AM
Hi Ken Couldn't agree more mate! Anyone who's read William Golding's "Lord of the Flies", will know exactly what we're talking about here! best Ian
"Life's what happens to you, while YOU'RE busy making other plans!" (JWL)
Neil Reinhardt

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Re: My Input On MySpace Being Sued ...
6/22/2006 6:28:42 AM
Hi Ken, Well first of all I guess you have a blog to communicate with others. If this is true, then why not background colors which allow the much easier reading of the blog? Next, since I was unable to read your blog, I have no clue what your position on the suit against MySpace is. My opinion is that while I am very sorry their daughter was sexually assulted, suing MySpace is the act of money hungry people & lawyers. To me they are GREEDY people attempting to take advantage of a company who in no way was responsible. If they want to sue someone who is much more responsible for what happened, they should sue themselves.
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