
Who is Ian Mckay?

Ian Mckay

Ian Mckay
Member SinceWednesday, March 30, 2005
Last ActivitySaturday, March 01, 2014
LocationLiverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom United Kingdom
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

What can I tell you about myself? Well, I'm a retired 74 year old man, who's done lot's of things in his life. I've seen the Aurora Borealis, and the Aurora Australis. I've floated in tropical seas, at night, and marvelled at the beauty of the firmament, as I gazed up at theSouthern Cross blazing in a black velvet sky! I've been stuck in the ice at the Arctic circle, and I've fished for shark and most other things!

I've wandered around Auschwitz and I can testify that there are no swallows that build their nests where so many people died! I've been inside the great pyramid, at Giza, in Egypt: I've swum with Dolphins, I've jumped out of an aeroplane with not much more than blind faith, and a bag of silk on my back. I've been shot at, shipwrecked and shafted; I've been mugged, I've spent a night in a Chinese communist jail, and one in a European, so called democratic, jail!

However, udoubtedly, the best thing I've ever done in my life; was ten years ago, when I married my Slovak wife: who, incidentally, is thirty eight years my junior! I've seen most places in this world; and, met some great people, and some who were not so great! In 1995, when I was in business, and living in Brazil, I got tired of being shot at there, and I returned home to the UK.

All my life I've always known that I wanted to be a writer: however life got in the way! Until I remembered the words of one of my fellow Scousers, John Winston Lennon: when he said the following:

" Life is what happens to you, while you're busy making other plans!"

So, a couple of years ago, I decided to go back into education, and discovered what I'd always suspected: I had the flair! I graduated, with a Masters Degree an ( M A ), in screenwriting! (Are you listening Mr Spielberg?)

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Ralph White - (1/31/2013 4:52:40 PM) : “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”
Kathy Hamilton - (6/26/2005 12:35:00 PM) : Hello, welcome to adland,Im very glad you are here,visit our forums,very popular site,kathy martin
Ian Mckay - (6/26/2005 12:35:00 PM) : I've been a contributor to these forums for a while now Kathy:Thanks for your feedback!
