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Carla Carey

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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (46th Edition)
6/5/2006 7:45:33 AM
HI John and LaNell, AWESOME JOB again, you two are awesome! CONGRATS GEORGIOS and have a great week in the spotlight. Get yourself ready to do lots of typing! God bless you! Carla :)
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (46th Edition)
6/5/2006 8:08:23 AM
Hello AdLandPro Members, Gods and Mankind Thank you for this opening ceremony to Person Of The Week #46. My dearest friends, Welcome to the HELLENIC WORLD. Like the Olympic Games in Athens 2004, this ceremony will be a big surprise and most successful. The world opinion said Athens will be a big fiasco and this is the end of the Olympic Games but the God blessed Hellenes (Greeks) who thought different. - Let them say what they want; we will organize the best Olympic Games ever. THE OPENING POTW #46 CEREMONY. Old Chronos the Emperor of AdLandPro a.k.a. Bogdan Fedur the gift from God gave his permission to hold a festival to honour a member of the mankind community so he informed Hermes the messenger and Ambassador of AdLandPro and to Iris the Rainbow and Rose of Roses, the hosting pair of POTW not to worry. When Iris saw the guests coming, with a simple hand movement she made a rainbow cover the entrance. And the Ambassador started to welcome them. The Titans, The Ouranians, The Olympians, Naiads, Nereids, Amadryads, Heroes, The Amazons from Libya, Potus and Crimaea, Conan from CImmeria, Kings from whole the Hellenic world, the Gorgons, The Pleiades and the Hesperian Gods follow by the special guests, Elves, Bards and Druids from Galatia, Eire the eternal green land and Scotland the eternal dark land singing songs from The Celtic Cycle, Melvin and King Arhtur from Anglia, the Norse Gods from Valhalla with Valqyries and Vikings, the Brahmans, Arzuma, Rama, Kali, Shiva and all these fakirs from India, and Indochina, The Dalai Lama and all the munks, from Kampala the Dragons from China, the Ainu Samurais from Hokkaido and the Shamans from Siberia, the “New World” Gods, Manitou, Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha, Shaka and the Zulu warriors and tam-tam players, Romus and Romulus, The Argonauts and many - many others arrive. Later Eris the dispute, controversy and quarrel came. She went to Ambassador and asked him for a place to sit. The Ambassador was not sure what to do, but then Eurynome, Themis and Nemesis came to him together with Harmony and Zeus. Zeus whispered to Harmony to go and sit with Eris to keep her calm. The Nereids served nectar and honey from Amalthea’s horn. Dionysus served stronger drinks, but only to the male Gods. The Muse began to sing, Orpheus together with his father Apollo played lyra, and the endless time Horae together with Osiris, Isis and Horus decided to make this week very long. The Kourites with their leader Heracles started to dance and the party began. Aphrodite send her flirts to Helios and Ares, but they did not respond her because Hephaestos (Vulcanus) was there watching their behaviour. She remembers last adventure, so she had to be careful. Suddenly Zeus stands up and with a thunderbolt he asked for attention. Today a son of Mother Gaea, a mankind is honoured by the Old Gods. Let his party be a remembering for global friendship. Let all of us stop the fights and give a smile to the world. The Greek Gods are caring from now to the end of this ceremony. Everything will be in order because Harmony, Mother Night and Mother Gaea are here. Their power protects this party. -Are you ready to smile? -Yeesss. -Can we Rock it tonight. -Yeeesss! Well let’s start. THE EVOLUTION OF DANCE (I want to be excused if somebody feels bad of this. I make jokes once per year)
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

5965 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (46th Edition)
6/5/2006 8:24:59 AM
Hello John, Thank you for this party. It is an honour to be the SHINING STAR of this week in POTW. Hey AMBASSADOR your are the wing shod messenger of AdLandPro. I must admite that I admire you. Here are my feelings about you taken from Greek Mythology: Hermes was the messenger and ambassador of the Olympians. Hermes was the beloved son of Zeus and Maia (the daughter of the Titan, Atlas). As friend to the mortals, he introduced weights and measures (as well as dice); he also escorts the dead to Hades. He is the giver of good luck and has a hand in all secret dealings and stratagems. He is, of course, sacred to all heralds. He taught mortals all arts... also, his domain includes roads, traffic and markets. In ancient times, a bust of Hermes was placed atop pillars to mark boundaries. A special forum topic about Hermes will be set up in time. Todays Quote: "I adore political parties. They are the only place left to us where people don't talk politics" Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) Kindest Regards Georgios PS The Origin of Your Name:
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Lis Figueras

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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (46th Edition)
6/5/2006 8:39:32 AM
Georgios congratulations U deserv it. Enjoy it. God bless you. Regards, Lis
Arthur Webster

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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (46th Edition)
6/5/2006 8:39:47 AM
Hi, Georgios, A well earned accolade, my friend. How on earth do you fit everything in to one day? Keep up the good work Arthur

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